That would absolutely annihalate any desire I have to watch Marvel ever again, that would be such a terrible decision.
I think the fundamental issue with this is that it presumes that our understanding of morality is perfect. If an all-knowing, all-powerful God acted contrary to our understanding of morality, or allowed something to happen contrary to our understanding of morality it would make sense for us to perceive that as undermining our understanding of God, making him imperfect. An all-knowing, all-encomposing God may have an understanding that we as mortals are incapable of understanding or perceiving.
It presumes to know a perfect morality while also arguing that morality can be subjective. It doesn't make sense, just like an irrational belief in a God. I think the best way to go about this is to allow people to believe how they want and stop trying to convince people one way another about their beliefs. People get to believe differently and that is not wrong.
Edit: holy shit those reddit comments are full of /r/iamverysmart material lmfao
not despised, but i think the Apple Watch injunction really hurt them because it was around the holiday season. That, and the general consumer pretty much knew there wasn't anything new with the new iPhone that warranted an upgrade. Even my rich, boomer dad said he didn't see why it would be worth it to upgrade and he always gets the newest models.
The person who created "g" said it's pronounced "g" so that's the correct answer.