
joined 3 years ago
[–] 10 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (4 children)

Not to mention that western materialism erases or dismisses indigenous peoples', and for that matter, any non-western forms of knowledge. This is colonialist in nature, and reinforces the patriarcal, objectivist, project that is the social institution "science".

What we call "facts" are politically loaded notions, and what we accept as fact and fiction reflects the power imbalances of an already unequal and oppressive society. So, thinking that our knowledge is complete only through western, objectivist ways of knowing, is to tacitly accept the power structures that led to it being dominant in the first place.

Pierogis are tasty. Every culture that eats empanadas are my sibling.

Badass. I kinda gave up at this point. Got much more pressing stuff to worry about.

[–] 7 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Yeah I realized how silly it looks when I wrote it, but to me it feels late because I spent all my adolescence and 20s just feeling like shit for what I thought was no reason, while trying to fit in into cis and heteronormative society instead of embracing the fact that I'm different and that's OK.

Doesn't help that I might as well be a dinosaur in most queer spaces around my area, coming back to the original point, where I don't feel like I fit in because everyone is beautiful and young and I'm... Not.

[–] 16 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (6 children)

As a queer amab person who finally made peace with being queer and trans very late in life (at about 30), I think I skipped the twink window, and I've never felt hot enough to exist in queer circles. I've always felt ugly (sled esteem issues and body dysphoria don't help), but being over 30 and not having perfect skin, a tight body and amazing fits? Might as well be straight and cis.

That's crazy. All my experience with flashlights has been off-mid-high at the most complex.

[–] 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

And I'm actually afraid I'll ruin a potentially incredible friendship by being irredeemably inlove

This feeling passes if you allow it to pass, and to see the person as just that, a person, and a friend. I've found the more toxic kinds of crushes are the ones where you don't actually spend time with the person being normal and being friends. Gotta let these things see through the end. Either you stay friends and the crush naturally subsides, or you realize you're incompatible and kind of fall off, in my experience.

[–] 14 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Is this possible? Am I seeing the end of a bit?

This game has a health system that makes headshots less effective? Must be woke

Do you have access to lembas bread, magical clothing, and the fate of all of Arda? No? Then don't do it, nerd.

[–] 10 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

It literally sounds like what the villain of a story based in the British empire (or any evil empire for that matter) would say.

Ok then I see that now. I guess I don't use flashlights that much to think about feature rich ones.

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