
joined 4 years ago
[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

An ironic recommendation given my post, but I actually suggest giving Code Geass a second chance if that's what put you off about it. I got the exact same vibe during the peak of Attack on Titan hype and was eventually vindicated, but I feel Code Geass successfully escapes the same pitfalls. Japan under Brtiannian occupation and colonization far more closely resembles modern Palestine than it does post war Japan.

[–] 34 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

Comrades, are pinned posts authoritarian?

[–] 14 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (4 children)

I thought the supernatural EoE-esque human instrumentality project ass shit King Charles was working on with his brother and wife came to a great conclusion and served the story pretty well in that regard.

Like Lelouch spends most of the anime with one of his leading motivations being finding his mother's killer and taking revenge. But in what was meant to be his climactic showdown with his father, he finds his mother is actually still alive, her soul in some trippy subspace connected to the thought elevator by her geass ability. She reveals she's totally into this "slaying god" shit King Charles (who is now immortal btw) and his brother were doing. Lelouch's parents then drone on and on about how actually we had to exile you and Nunnally while ruling Britannia as a racist, genocidal empire built on the backs of subjugated colonies, those we're just the conditions we needed to wield the Sword of Akasha! (the helical structure seen stabbing into the planet Jupiter). They claim this will kill the capability for deceit in human nature (???) thereby allowing the collective dead to all commune with the living (???) in an unchanging, perfect world frozen around the current status quo in terms of social structure (???)

Lelouch correctly rejects all of this out of hand for the nonsense it is. The supposedly good intentions of his parents buried this deep in metaphysical fascist nonsense are meaningless. In rejection of everything his parents believed and worked toward, Lelouch uses his Geass to request god not halt the march of time. God responds by erasing the immortal King Charles and his wife Marianne. Everything falls apart for them in an almost comical way, starting with the sword toppling over and falling away from Jupiter, and the subspace itself becomes unstable. King Charles dies, evaporating away in shocked disbelief, having previously demonstrated himself immortal. Marianne calls Lelouch an ungrateful child before she too disappears into a puff of smoke. I thought this was such a great twist to take the mystery of Lelouch's mother, and it was a great way to tie up a lot of the lore threads before moving onto Lelouch's confrontation with his older brother.

[–] 24 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

I think UlysessT was well served by his time spent touching grass. Before his journey, he had a habit of blowing up on comrades over some really petty stuff, but I've not seen that sort of behavior since he's returned.

That said, I've always agreed with him on like 90% of his very vivid observations and criticisms of reddit dudebro culture, and I love it whenever its some unfortunate federated lemmitor on the business end of one of his very brutal and emojiful dunkings. Glad to see him back.

[–] 14 points 1 month ago (1 children)


It won't last, but I say refederate with .ca. Make them show their ass and be the ones to defederate from us for obviously bullshit, turbolib lemmitor reasons. Maybe we'll peel off some of the few leftists who've found themselves stuck there.

[–] 8 points 1 month ago

Actually childish understanding of geopolitics and history

[–] 18 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Ukraine hasn't even been independent for my entire life, what are you talking about? Do you think thirty years is a long time? Are you twelve?

This is the thing that gets me with lemmy libs at times. I want to dunk on them harder, but some of them are so naive and ignorant about basic facts of recent history that in the back of my mind I can't help but think I'm probably talking to an actual, literal child. Then I just feel saddened about it more than anything.

[–] 18 points 1 month ago (9 children)

I'm sorry but your reply is literally incoherent, and I'm not sure what if anything in my comment caused your brain wormed mind to react like this.

[–] 31 points 1 month ago

Liberal solipsism strikes again

[–] 24 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (20 children)

At what point did this become Russia's aggression? Certainly after the fall of the Soviet Union by western backed coup (before which Ukraine and Russia were literally the same country). Did Russia's aggression start when NATO aggressively expanded into the former Eastern bloc after promising not to as a major condition of the USSR's dissolution? How about when Russia subjected its own population to devastating austerity, resulting in untold death and destruction, all in a genuine effort to liberalize and assimilate into NATO themselves? Was that Russia being too aggressive? Or did Russia's aggression not start until after the west continued to wage economic warfare anyway, demonstrating NATO never had any intention to let Russia coexist peacefully on the world stage regardless? How aggressive was it of Russia when the west helped to orchestrate the 2014 Maidan coup in Ukraine to install a rabidly anti-Russian fascist government on one of Russia's largest land borders? I guess Russia was being too aggressive when Ukraine decided to ban the Russian language and shell Russian speaking civilians in Eastern Ukraine for literally years and years in violation of the Minsk agreements, resulting in massive pro-Russian separatist movements forming to fight off Banderite pogroms.

I think I get it now, after exhausting literally all available diplomatic avenues to peace, aggressive Russia started this conflict out of nowhere by supporting the cause of the breakaway republics invading poor innocent Ukraine, wow can't believe a country would go to war like this at the drop of a hat! Irrational aggressive Russia should just take their troops home and surrender all territory back to Ukraine, a country losing a war so badly it's on the verge of collapse.

[–] 33 points 1 month ago (38 children)

Maybe don't go around making inflammatory geopolitical comments in public if you only just started paying attention to this conflict in 2022

[–] 59 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

And going this route, you find out whether your lib is a well meaning but politically naive potential comrade, or if they're a racist, chauvinistic chud.

On reddit you'll probably mostly get the latter. The chuddier libs love falling over themselves to talk about how literally every single Muslim majority country is governed without the consent of its people by theocratic despots who are fully supported and propped up by Chinese bribes. Just wild conspiracy shit like this rehashing the oldest racist tropes in the book without the slightest hint of self awareness.


RIP to my old Minecraft world from 2019 on this 2.5 inch HDD I now use as a mirror for shaving


Still a couple weeks out from finally having a source of income again and I really appreciate having this place to fall back on for small things like this. I can't tell you how much it helps my anxiety that paying for food and other daily necessities is not constantly at at the forefront of my mind. Thank you for that Hexbear, any amount no matter how small is very helpful!

DM me for paypal information, my cashapp and venmo are under the same username I use here.

EDIT: Goal reached! Thank you!


(Initially posted in c/drugs but thought it would get more engagement here)

I was thinking about the way cannabis is increasingly legal in the US, and I'm starting to see it as a symptom of balkanization in this country that might start to become the model for the legalization of other drugs.

To explain: In most places in the US it is either legal or de facto legal despite the fact that until this year it was federally considered a schedule I controlled substance alongside Heroin, LSD, and many other widely known recreational drugs. For decades the federal government considered cannabis to be wholly unsuitable for all medical use and too dangerous for scientists to even research. They dedicated vast resources into destroying cannabis farms and putting cannabis users, dealers, and growers into prison. It was in a legal category more severe than fentanyl and many of its analogues.

Without even changing those laws, we got to a place where most states decided to just hand out licenses to businesses to grow and sell it, and allow anyone over the age of 21 to buy it.

I think the research chemical scene has by now made it clear that recreational drugs are not a finite group. New drugs are invented all the time. In the same way, new plants containing psychoactive compounds are either discovered or popularized all the time. They do not necessarily start their lives in the public consciousness with stigma, and they can be just as benign or deadly, euphoric or dysphoric, sedating or stimulating, psychedelic or inebriating as any classic, widely known drug.

The way the federal government categorized drugs and the way the DEA enforced drug law was never rational when you approach it from the goal of reducing the harm drugs cause socially. In actuality it was always about maintaining a legal and socially acceptable avenue for continuing this country's legacy of racism and slavery.

What this means is that which new drugs are to be banned, which are to be ignored, and which are to be accepted is an entirely local matter determined by which marginalized communities can be connected to each drug for purpose of stigmatization. With increasing social disunity across the states, we might begin to see certain drugs became wide spread and tolerated in certain states but treated with extreme hostility elsewhere. A situation like this would paralyze the ability of the DEA to gain enough cooperation from local law enforcement to curtail production and distribution, leading to decrease in stigmatization and eventually the relaxation in attitudes even in places where the stigmatization began.


For purpose of discussion, assume that due to bad luck, this asteroid has evaded the detection of all amateur and professional astronomers until about six months from impact. The asteroid is too large to deflect with humanity's current spacefaring capabilities, and the general scientific consensus is that the impact will end all multicellular life on Earth.

What do those six months look like?


I can't get paid for shitting on company time since I never really need to shit at work, but I'll be damned if I don't kill the same amount of time while on the clock. Thank god restroom breaks are mandated by OSHA and they don't count toward our normal 10 minute paid breaks. Over the course of an 8 hour shift, I try to spend at least 30 minutes total in the restroom.


I step out of Hexbear and into another instance for once and immediately get this shit lmao

I was letting off some steam about how sick and tired I am about working a shit job to make some asshole rich, and I made an off hand remark about how my employer probably belongs in a gulag. Further down the reply chain, this lemmitor asshole shows up to send me a whole tirade full of faux concern, breaking out the psychoanalysis to say I'm just an extremist full of unjustified hatred because I must be a bitter loser. Somehow they come up with this nuclear hot take comparing my anger at the capitalist class to a Christian fundamentalist hating gay people.

But the fucking cherry on the top here is sending me this comment as their very first interaction with me and proceeding to instantly block me to deny me the chance to reply at all. I've seen others use the block feature as a means of getting the last word in, but never to get both the first and last word in at the same time. And in the end, this self-unaware lib ends up calling me the overly self righteous one. Perfect.

Tbh, what gets me is that they were so fucking close to getting it. They almost came to an accurate understanding of the fact that my material conditions as a poor person getting fucked over day in and day out by my employer stealing my labor will heavily inform my politics. But of course they never quite reach that point, instead bizarrely veering off into psychologizing me, and acting like this is all just some sort of character flaw on my part.

Rule one:


Four light years may seem like an unfathomably long distance, but in comparison to the size of our galaxy, it's practically right next door. In fact, it's close enough that the Alpha Centauri system has nearly the same constellations as we do, just subtly warped due to the relatively small parallax factor.

The only caveat is that they're missing the brightest star in Centaurus, having traded it for an additional bright star in Cassiopeia on the opposite side of the sky. The Sun's stellar magnitude is 0.5 from that distance, that's about as bright as Betelgeuse in Orion.

I don't think we'll ever be so lucky that our closest star system just happens to contain a planet with alien life on it. That said, it's so surreal to think about even just the possibility of a life harboring planet orbiting Proxima Centauri. I'm imagining those creatures looking at the Sun in their night sky and wondering themselves about the existence of neighboring aliens.

(To clarify, Alpha Centauri is actually a triple star system close enough together to look like a single star to the naked eye. Alpha Centauri A and B are both sun-like stars with a roughly similar mass and brightness. Proxima Centauri is the nearest of the three, and it's a red dwarf with confirmed planets.)


Disclaimer: As far as I know, I'm not going to die soon. I'm asking this question in case that changes someday.

So I was just thinking about this and thought it might be a good idea to leave your family some money while fucking over the bank on your way out. The creditors would go after your worthless estate only to find the recently purchased assets are missing, but you're already dead and can't be charged with fraud. And if you do some decent opsec, they can't implicate your family either.

I assume without laundering the money, your family would not be able to use it on anything big. And your available credit wouldn't be enough to make a massive quality of life improvement for your loved ones. But even if they only spend it on groceries and hobbies for a few years, it would make a nice goodbye gift.

Am I missing anything that makes this a horrible or unacceptably risky idea?


Recent example is Intel dropping the i from their CPU branding. What was an Intel Core i7 is now an "Intel Core Ultra 7". This is a bizarre choice. The i3, i5, and i7 branding is very much a household name, and they're just throwing that away.

Infinitely worse, they've also thrown out their low end Pentium and Celeron CPU branding. Now they're simply calling them all a generic "Intel Processor". What the actual fuck? People avoid Pentiums and Celerons because they're widely regarded the absolute bottom of the silicon barrel. Now instead of "don't get a Celeron, it's practically e-waste" it's going to be "don't get an INTEL PROCESSOR, it's practically e-waste". Holy shit.

A bunch of rich fucking failchildren got paid the big bucks for these ideas meanwhile I'm making min wage working infinitely harder while actually producing a non-negative surplus value for my employer to steal.


Just accepted a part time grocery store cashier position, it's going to be my first real job. I was worried about having to stand in one spot for 6 to 8 hours a day, but I recently found out that California has a law called the Suitable Seating Act. Here's the summary:

(A) All working employees shall be provided with suitable seats when the nature of the work reasonably permits the use of seats.

(B) When employees are not engaged in the active duties of their employment and the nature of the work requires standing, an adequate number of suitable seats shall be placed in reasonable proximity to the work area and employees shall be permitted to use such seats when it does not interfere with the performance of their duties.⁠

Does anyone here have experience with this kind of thing in California? I hardly ever see grocery store clerks sitting, so I thought it'd be a long shot that I'd be allowed to sit down on the job until I found out this law existed. Am I interpreting it correctly?

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