
joined 4 years ago
[–] duderium@hexbear.net 2 points 2 hours ago

I think I posted them in c/writing under an alt because my real name is attached to them. And yes it’s generally hard for me to compromise with the desires of the audience, let us say.

[–] duderium@hexbear.net 1 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

I read all the original Dune books plus Hero With A Thousand Faces (and I enjoyed all of it). I will face the wall now.

[–] duderium@hexbear.net 3 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

We are all basically boomers. Our lives are more or less the same as theirs, except for cellphones and blatantly obvious American decline.

[–] duderium@hexbear.net 2 points 2 hours ago (2 children)

Some of my books are there but not enough people are reading them 😭

[–] duderium@hexbear.net 2 points 2 hours ago (3 children)

I read almost all of those books when they came out and the author lived not far from me 😬

[–] duderium@hexbear.net 20 points 1 day ago

I feel like there’s potential for a good story here…ah, wait, it’s just The Truman Show.

[–] duderium@hexbear.net 33 points 2 weeks ago

I was always left-of-liberal but someone on r/politics mentioned r/chapotraphouse and here I am. I was like…you can hate liberals from the left? This is amazing!

I lost my faith in electoralism after watching democrats in the same room steal Bernie’s delegates right in front of me. I also ran in elections and even won some…and then thought my life was in danger (and that I needed at least a few bodyguards 24/7 for myself and my family because the sheriff screamed right in my face once when I voted to defund his ass). I quit after that and realized that nothing would change this shithole except a violent revolution.

[–] duderium@hexbear.net 12 points 2 weeks ago

I’m going to try this on my kids.

[–] duderium@hexbear.net 43 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Jesus is this guy really that hard to hit?

[–] duderium@hexbear.net 26 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)
[–] duderium@hexbear.net 35 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)
[–] duderium@hexbear.net 12 points 3 weeks ago

Aside from the reference to covid and the bay of chuds, this could have been published twenty years ago. It’s good to see that liberals are learning and not stuck in a time vortex.


Good at losing lol gottem


Discovered this guy’s music a couple of weeks ago and have been listening nonstop ever since. This song is called “Bosat el Reeh” on streaming services. He wrote three hundred songs, sings beautifully, and is also a beast on the oud.

Title (hexbear.net)

New hexbears be like: where’s the cool zone I miss it so much

Old hexbears be like: I bring the cool zone wherever I go


I’ve had people laugh. Others just stare. One or two people murmured some kind of critical response that I couldn’t hear. I find it strange and just wanted to know if this is an ordinary experience. It’s rare for someone to agree. I live in a rich white area.


Haha take that commies.

I was masked in a hardware store. A guy who looked like Tom Skerritt from thirty years ago but taller and thinner looked at me and started ranting about communism with his employee. Did you know that communists want to get everyone dependent on the government? That’s their plan!!

He also said that he had read Marxists and recommended that his employee do so.

This guy also wears some kind of uniform with an American flag on the shoulder every day. I always got bad vibes from him but never really heard him speak. Until now.

I didn’t say anything because I go to this place all the time for work and I see him there constantly and suspect that he may be the owner.


The world has "fallen" to communism. The last liberals and fascists on Earth flee to Puerto Rico (sorry) and basically turn it into another Taiwan for a few months or years. The ruling class there maintains that it has suffered only temporary setbacks at worst and that victory is at hand. And besides, if you like communism so much, why don't you move to [the rest of the world]? And they aren't even real communists there anyway because they have not instantaneously transformed the planet into paradise. They're just befogging the masses, who are too stupid to understand that the best days of capitalism, imperialism, colonialism, and patriarchy lie ahead!

I'm just thinking about this because of the Yankee cope I'm seeing all over the place. Ukraine just needs more weapons and European soldiers, then it's bound to prevail against Russia, which is collapsing anyway. China is a heartbeat from balkanizing. Haiti is just run by a bunch of cannibal criminal gangs. Palestine can't possibly win. Etc.


Dude took off his shoes and then put them back on again twenty times before walking into his own home. When I was a kid I thought his show was fucking boring. I think libs are just pretending to love him because he was a civility republican. CMV.

PS: what the fuck is the deal with Lamb Chop’s Play-Along?


So I felt like I was following the genocide in Gaza pretty closely but apparently these images are at least a few days if not more than a week old. I found them on tiktok as well as a telegram channel called Gaza Now in English. I honestly couldn’t believe what I was looking at, but once I found this poor kid’s name I saw that his death had already been covered by establishment media. You can find these images and articles by googling his name (Yazan al-Kafarnev) and honor him by doing whatever you can to stop the genocide. I’m a parent and have trouble writing this but we failed this kid, our protests failed to save him.


I used to think that people focusing so much ire on boomers was anti-Marxist because the main contradiction in American society is class (settler / indigenous, bourgeois / proletarian) but I’ve started to wonder if this profound and really ubiquitous age-consciousness (ageism) is actually just a step toward class consciousness? Like I’m guessing most people who hate boomers don’t really have a problem with homeless boomers?

I’m thinking also of how women in South Korea are refusing to get married or have kids and how this will basically destroy South Korea (albeit slowly) if trends continue. Women in South Korea are objectively correct in identifying men as their oppressors, but is this awareness of the patriarchy a step toward class consciousness and revolutionary thought or is it a dead end? I guess it depends on the person as well as circumstances.

It still seems like, regardless of how hard the bourgeoisie pushes the idea that only individuals exist and anyone can rise to the top if they just work hard and smart enough, large numbers of people are possibly developing nascent class consciousness, which can lead toward an understanding of historical materialism and scientific socialism. This is basically an extended “is it gonna be barbarism or socialism?” meme but I just thought I’d post it here to see what people thought.


I’ve spent years arguing with people online and really have nothing to show for it aside from my own education and amusement. I was radicalized by discovering r/chapotraphouse back in 2018 I think. Nobody argued with me there, I just lurked, loved the memes, thought it was the funniest place online, then started reading theory because so many people there talked about it. Even though liberals are obviously ignorant about communism, their ignorance is willful: they never thank us for educating them, they always get angry and double-down. (In real life, it’s much easier to embarrass them and get them to shut up.) Still, I admit that it’s possible to change someone’s mind in an online debate, I just haven’t seen it happen when it comes to communism (libs on r/changemyview can change their minds about lib shit). Have you ever seen a lib admit that they were wrong about communism?


“You must be fun at parties.” Uh why would I want to party with Nazis?

“So edgy.” If I cared what liberals thought, I wouldn’t be a communist.

“You’re just a larper.” Larp it till you make it, am I right? Also, what have larpers ever done to you?

“Nazism and communism are the same.” Yes, Nazism is when you want to destroy Nazism forever rather than fund it the way you do.


We know they like to stick flags on everything. We've maybe all seen the Kelly cartoon where some guy complains that their neighbors only put up their flags for the fourth of July. But do they really notice if you don't have a flag on your house or your car? Also, what's the deal with reactionaries randomly removing their flags? A guy I know whose father or grandfather was probably in the klan took his flag down a month or two ago and I have no idea why. "Hunter Biden has tarnished our glorious nation's reputation" or something is probably the reason. I have another neighbor whose shitty wooden flagpole has lacked a flag since Biden won the election.

I've heard they put Blue Lives Matter stickers on their cars to get the police to leave them alone. But if you put a gun sticker on your car, will the police actually leave you alone, or think twice about pulling you over, or just blow you away because you were driving 5 MPH over the speed limit?

Bonus: I have a neighbor who has been flying a full-sized Ukrainian flag upside-down since February 2022.

I also once saw someone with a tiny house like sort of tucked behind everyone else's, but he managed to put a flagpole in his yard and get like, an American flag, an Israeli flag, and a Blue Lives Matter flag all on that pole. Very impressive brainworms

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