[-] janNatan@lemmy.ml 16 points 7 hours ago

I'd use Wayne's ding system, AYOOO

[-] janNatan@lemmy.ml 9 points 1 day ago

I actually sleep better after reading about serial killers, but that's probably because I stayed up late binging Wikipedia articles on them.

[-] janNatan@lemmy.ml 10 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

If it comes to the USA, it's too late. The recent outbreak has cemented in the minds of Americans that this is a Gay™ disease, and it only affects those pesky Gays. Therefore, the vaccine will be refused in even higher amounts than other vaccines. "I'm not a Gay. I don't have to worry about it."

[-] janNatan@lemmy.ml 10 points 2 days ago

Interesting, robot faces made with living skin have quite the opposite effect on me.

[-] janNatan@lemmy.ml 20 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

I'm gonna add to this by saying phosphorus may be my favorite, but I think the most likely filter is just time, twice.

Do you know how unlikely it is that earth has been habitable for so long? Do you know how long life was single-celled? One of the theories for how advanced (eukaryotic) cells formed was the combination of at least three different branches of life into the same cell! Archaea (cell wall), bacteria (mitochondria/chloroplasts), and viruses (nucleus). Do you know how unlikely that sounds? Do you know how long it would take for that to happen randomly? Most planets probably aren't even habitable for that long. Once we became eukaryotic, we started progressing much faster.

Then, keep in mind, the life has to continue to exist for billions of more years while it waits for the advanced life to happen again within the same section of the galaxy. So, time is two filters - both behind us and in front of us.

[-] janNatan@lemmy.ml 43 points 4 days ago

My favorite filter is the amount of phosphorous in the universe. Earth has an unusually high amount, and it's vital for life. I like this one, because as more stars die, the amount of phosphorous goes up, implying we won't be alone forever.

Anyway, look up "Issac Arthur" on YouTube for HOURS of content about the Fermi paradox and potential great filters.

[-] janNatan@lemmy.ml 43 points 6 days ago

Rimworld. Also DRM free through GOG!

submitted 1 month ago by janNatan@lemmy.ml to c/rimworld@lemmy.world

I tried to make my duplicate as different from the original as possible, but they fell in love anyway

submitted 1 month ago by janNatan@lemmy.ml to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I've tried to find them to no avail. I'm guessing the box sets just aren't made anymore, but I figured it's worth asking in case there's some obscure one out there somewhere.

To clarify, I'm looking for a more recent Linux version. I know the older ones can be found on auction sites and the like.

[-] janNatan@lemmy.ml 152 points 2 months ago

Even if it did work, why would you do it? You'd still be playing League of Legends.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by janNatan@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I remember finding them on the Internet somewhere in the early 2000s. I remember that Kimi was one of them, so it would have to have been after the second movie (Rugrats in Paris). Anybody remember these things? I can't find any details about them online.

[-] janNatan@lemmy.ml 97 points 3 months ago

Nobody asked, but if anybody is curious: "dick" is the German word for "thick."

You may now resume your laughter.

[-] janNatan@lemmy.ml 126 points 3 months ago

Before you get excited, it's an IndieGoGo project.

[-] janNatan@lemmy.ml 93 points 7 months ago

Selling drugs? Because, we've all been dealers before... I guess?

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by janNatan@lemmy.ml to c/jerboa@lemmy.ml

When I am making a post or a comment through jerboa, I am having a weird issue where if I backspace/delete, the text of the word I'm writing will combine with the word before it.

As an example, if I type

The quick brown foz

And I backspace to fix the typo, I get this

The quick brownfo

If I keep backspacing to fix the problem, it keeps combining words like this


It's very annoying and sometimes I have to delete entire sentences and start over. Also, if I have a wall of text and click somewhere in the text to make an edit, sometimes it will keep typing where I was before. Also annoying.

Does anybody else have this issue? It could be a product of my keyboard, which is Open Board from F-Droid. But I usually only have issues like this when trying to type my information into websites that aren't designed for mobile. (Fennec, if it matters.)

submitted 11 months ago by janNatan@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I chose my instance 9 or so months ago purely because it was suggested by the Jerboa app at the time. In lieu of making numerous accounts to access communities that aren't federated with my instance, I was hoping to make a second account with a very "federated" instance. Any suggestions?

Despite being here for a while, I've mostly been a lurker til recently and haven't learned a lot. Thanks in advance.

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