
joined 2 years ago
[–] 19 points 1 week ago (1 children)

It also makes you re-download another 100 gbs every time the game updates yea

[–] 27 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Pineapple and kiwifruit: let's see how YOU like getting digested idiot

Yeah I did that sidequest recently. Unfortunately it is yet another 'fetch 10 bear asses' fetch quest. These make up 55% of the side content (40% is 'go here, talk to this person').

[–] 7 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Playing Final Fantasy 16 following its PC release.

It's a fucking mess. For some ungodly reason the dash is mapped to pushing down the control stick. There is no option to change it from a hold to a toggle. That's not even getting into the entire rest of the game.

[–] 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Skins are fine just have them be locked behind achievements, leveling up and fun in game challenges if you're feeling daring.

That's how Monster Hunter does it, there's even stuff like rare color shifting rainbow dye you can unlock by beating endgame challenges

[–] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Video game companies keep inventing paid mod systems to disrupt these hive mind structures with grift culture so mod communities don't get too powerful 😒

[–] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Mullvad is good but I've been using AirVPN lately since that has port forwarding and lets me use Soulseek. Like Mullvad it's also pay as you go with no auto-renewal

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Here is an article that goes into a deep dive about it

You can search serum to scroll down to the section about FBS and other animal serums used

[–] 30 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

The vast majority of it is dependent on fetal bovine serum which is taken from pregnant cows killed in slaughterhouses, and therefore is not vegan.

The small percentage that currently can be produced without FBS is vegan but imo seems significantly less energy and material efficient than just growing legumes or peas, if it can even be made to scale at all

[–] 17 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (2 children)

Actually the vast majority of those games suck because they don't let you play as a dragon. Because of woke

Spyro the Dragon stay winning tho :spyro-sunglasses: (which is not an emoji for some reason smdh)

[–] 12 points 3 weeks ago

There was a somewhat recent drama where (you do not, under any circumstances, 'gotta hand it to em') Nexusmods actually did strike down a mod that removed the vanilla ability to gay marry NPCs, whereafter I believe that modder took their shidding and crying doodoo ass to Loverslab where even they were like 'man come on'

So it's a bit but there are people in the fanbase like that unironically still

[–] 11 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (1 children)

Honestly I can never truly make fun of early 3D graphics because 3D modeling programs are a fucking nightmare even in the 2020s, I can't even imagine what they went through trying to use them in the 90s without the multiple decades of QOL development.

Same with early 3D game development. I'm always haunted by the knowledge that they didn't have skeletal animation for the PS1 for a long time and Crash Bandicoot was animated on a per vertex level. Like that is fucked up. I'm a weak, spoiled 3D modeler and trying to do that would straight up kill me. I would not survive the attempt.



You just can't. There's too many of them. And they keep making more of them! When will the suffering end?


They should stop making games for at least a year so I can catch up.


This is not a high effort bit, this 'youtuber' has already made a name for himself outsourcing his videos to other people writing scripts and running it through an AI model of his voice. He's almost certainly doing it as a proof of concept tech demo to sell the AI pipeline and consulting to other media agencies but yeesh

lol. lmao.


bottom text


Anti-piracy Nintendo paypigs have failed to consider how effective the wear and tear aspect of data rot is at eroding media preservation




In my defense I picked up a cheap used VR headset and playing Skyrim in VR and holding all the sparkly spells in your hands is genuinely a pretty novel and magical experience


Uploaded 15 years ago


What the fuck is the 'authentic experience' of a chicken nugget that seitan is incapable of replicating, anyways? Also the burger patties I ate in school as a cringe baby carnist were 60% TVP soy to begin with, so if anything I'm being even more honest with my frozen slabs now


"Pro Tiananmen Square posts get removed off of Chinese social media? No shit. Imagine if the January 6th protestors had strung up and set a bunch of the National Guard on fire and you posted saying they didn't go far enough, most places on the web would remove your posts, except maybe Elon Musk's twitter."

Pros: Any libs wanting to engage would have to either read more about the events leading up to and during the Tiananmen Square protests or admit that January 6th was a nothing event

Cons: none


My license expired five months ago and I KNOW that I've been using it as an ID since then for various appointments but it was only today when I went to Costco that someone finally said to me 'hey your ID is expired' since they couldn't give me my prescription without a valid one.

what the hell man


I have really mixed feelings about this film because it's a robot emancipation film that feels like it was written by a leftist but at the same time it has some really serious issues as a film that holds it back from being an outright good movie

The Good

  • This is like, one of the only modern+mainstream man vs machine narratives I can think of that is explicitly sympathetic to oppressed humans hand in hand with the sympathy towards robots. In this film, the robots are in solidarity with the humans they are living together with (robots protect human civilians and vice versa, humans attend robot funerals, they're seen cohabitating together, etc) and they fight together against the NATO coded invasion forces.

  • In fact, there's even a scene at the beginning that, although brief, shows that working class western citizens are very sympathetic to the robots, and have to be conditioned and propagandized into dehumanizing them.

  • It's a very pretty film. The sets and sci fi designs look really good and the robots have some cool designs among them, humanoid and less humanoid. ....Wait it only had an $80 million budget? God damn

  • In addition to the more overt anti-imperialist themes of the film I feel like there's a lot of room for a Marxist interpretation of the film, that the robots could represent leftist groups in Southeast Asia, with the fear of use of nuclear weapons being one of the main propaganda pieces used by the West against them, the West's fear of the robots disrupting capitalist markets, the fact that the main goal of the film is to destroy a physical representation of Western military power and how that representation allows the West to invade and bomb countries with impunity, and so on.

The Bad

  • The first half is a fucking mess, both pacing and writing-wise. There's a lot of narrative choices that are inconsistent with the second half of the film to the point that it's a detriment to the story. In a film with a focus on robot sapience and compassion, we get a Star Wars-esq scene where a grenade thrown by a robot soldier is rolled back into a crowd of robots, and the following shot of their maimed bodies flailing around is instead played for laughs. The discrepancy in the two halves is VERY noticeable, it feels like some sort of editing fuckery happened.

  • It somehow manages to fumble 3/4 emotional beats that happen in the film. This is arguably the big issue here. Like it is genuinely impressive how consistently it missed the mark when attempting to pull off scenes that should have had emotional impacts. Like, my guys, you are writing a narrative about a grizzled reluctant father and an odd troubled daughter figure. This shit should be color by the numbers by now. I don't even think its the main actor's fault here because the scenes that do work, work fine. Like, the turning point when the lead starts seeing the robot child as a person? Skimmed over, no impact. Choosing to side against the West? Skimmed over, no impact. A sort of reunion with his dead wife? They bungled that scene so badly.

  • The worldbuilding can kind of get wishy-washy. I feel like the story suffers for not having a human voice on the side of the New Asia coalition. It didn't even necessarily have to be a big role either, just a named human character to be all 'hey I'm from Bhutan and robots are people too and we want to build a new future together'. There is technically a character who fills that role but it's the fridged dead wife character so her voice only exists in retrospect and in the lead's memories in relation to himself. Without that presence existing in the story, what the (human) people of the New Asia coalition feel about anything goes kind of unspoken when it should have been a bigger aspect of the story.

Anyways it's not a good good film but it's a fun enough watch and you can watch it here lol


Obligatory Sold a Story podcast link.

I can't help but feel that a lot of this is deliberate, the end result of decades of dismantling the public education system to further divide kids into the upper class in private schools, religious fundamentalists in home schooling, and everyone else abandoned to keep the population uneducated and in worse economic precarity.

Somebody please tell me that the kids are alright yea

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