submitted 27 minutes ago* (last edited 26 minutes ago) by ABasilPlant@lemmy.world to c/science_memes@mander.xyz


Abstract (emphasis mine):

The concept of a 'Ballmer Peak' was first proposed in 2007, postulating that there exists a very specific blood alcohol content which confers superhuman programming ability. More generally, there is a commonly held belief among software engineers that coding is easier and more productive after a few drinks. Using the industry standard for assessment of coding ability, we conducted a search for such a peak and more generally investigated the effect of different amounts of alcohol on performance. We conclusively refute the existence of a specific peak with large magnitude, but with p < 0.001 find that there was a significant positive effect to a low amount of alcohol - slightly less than two drinks - on programming ability.

The reality of modern tech (files.catbox.moe)
cats family (mastodon.uno)
submitted 30 minutes ago* (last edited 29 minutes ago) by m3t00@lemmy.world to c/cat@lemmy.world



Alt text:

Sometimes, you can tell Bloom filters are the wrong tool for the job, but when they're the right one you can never be sure.

Lemon effect (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 hour ago by boem@lemmy.world to c/technology@lemmy.world
submitted 1 hour ago by schizoidman@lemmy.ml to c/world@lemmy.world
submitted 1 hour ago by iknt@lemmy.ml to c/linux@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 hour ago by SomeX@lemmy.world to c/world@lemmy.world
submitted 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago) by boredtortoise@lemm.ee to c/dataisbeautiful@lemmy.world

Ja, schon älter. Aber war gestern in der Heute-Show Thema, und in der Anstalt.

Finde ich unglaublich. Warum wird sowas nicht mal in der Gesellschaft diskutiert.

submitted 10 minutes ago by 0x815@feddit.de to c/news@beehaw.org

TLDR: - China's president Xi wants to maintain an alliance with Putin's Russia, while also knowing that close ties with a pariah puts at risk his stable ties with the West which he needs to help his ailing economy.

- The costly war in Ukraine has changed their relationship, exposing the weaknesses in Russia’s army and its economy.

- China’s interests are not Russia’s interests. As the senior partner in this relationship, Mr Xi will likely co-operate when it suits him – even if his “dear friend” and ally needs him.

Vladimir Putin’s state visit to China this week was a show of strength. It was a chance for the Russian president to prove to the world that he has a powerful ally in his corner.

The Russian leader is widely regarded as a pariah after ordering the invasion of Ukraine. But to China’s President Xi Jinping, he is a key partner in seeking a new world order that is not led by the US.

And Mr Xi made his guest welcome. He rolled out the red carpet, the band played old Red Army songs, and cheering children greeted both leaders as they strolled through Tiananmen Square. There was even a brief hug for the cameras.

Russian and Chinese state media focused heavily on the camaraderie between the two leaders. But in truth, this is no longer a partnership of equals.

Mr Putin came to China cap in hand, eager for Beijing to continue trading with a heavily sanctioned and isolated Russia. His statements were filled with honeyed tones and flattering phrases.

He said that his family were learning Mandarin – this was particularly noteworthy because he very rarely talks about his children in public.

He declared that he and Mr Xi were “as close as brothers” and went on to praise China’s economy, saying it was “developing in leaps and bounds, at a fast pace”. This will likely play well with Beijing officials worried by a sluggish economy.

But Mr Xi himself did not echo the tone of these lofty compliments. Instead, his remarks were more perfunctory – even bland. Mr Putin, he said, was a “good friend and a good neighbour”. For China, the welcome ceremony and show of unity is in its interests, but lavishing its guest with praise is not.

The costly war in Ukraine, which shows no signs of ending, has changed their relationship, exposing the weaknesses in Russia’s army and its economy. Mr Xi will know that he is now in charge.

The war has isolated Russia. China’s ties with the West may be tense, but Beijing has not cut itself off from the world like Russia, nor does it want to.

While the public statements may have lacked enthusiasm, President Xi did hint at the importance that China places on the relationship.

He invited Mr Putin to his official residence, Zhongnanhai. Few leaders are afforded that honour - US President Barack Obama being among them back in 2014, when ties between the two were at their best.

President Xi is attempting a fine balance - he wants to maintain an alliance with Mr Putin, while also knowing that close ties with a pariah puts at risk his stable ties with the West which he needs to help his ailing economy.

The fact is, this visit was all about the money: Mr Putin needs China’s support for his war in Ukraine.

The make-up of the Russian leader’s entourage was a sign of what he hoped to get out of the trip: he brought with him the governor of Russia’s Central Bank, his finance minister and his economics advisor.

The joint statement released to mark the visit also contained some eye-catching ideas to increase trade – building a port on an island which the two countries once wrangled over for more than 100 years, and speaking to North Korea to see if Chinese ships could navigate through a key river to reach the Sea of Japan.

It mentioned the word “co-operation” 130 times.

All of this will, of course, have been carefully watched by the US. Last month, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned China to stop fuelling Russia’s war and trading in components that could be used in Russian drones and tanks.

So they will not have missed the fact Mr Putin toured a state-backed university famous for its cutting-edge defense research during Friday’s visit to the city of Harbin.

The tour - and the ceremony and symbolism surrounding this visit - certainly appears to suggest Mr Xi is determined to prove that he will not be swayed by pressure from the West.

But behind the scenes of this show of unity, there may be limits to how far Mr Xi is prepared to go.

After all, China’s interests are not Russia’s interests. As the senior partner in this relationship, Mr Xi will likely co-operate when it suits him – even if his “dear friend” and ally needs him.

submitted 12 minutes ago by girlfreddy@lemmy.ca to c/world@lemmy.world

Democratic Rep. Jasmine Crockett criticized Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, calling her “racist,” following a tense House Oversight markup Thursday evening that quickly devolved into personal attacks.

As the panel met to advance contempt proceedings against Attorney General Merrick Garland over his refusal to turn over audio recordings of President Joe Biden’s interview with special counsel Robert Hur, Greene, a Georgia Republican, sparked outrage when she commented on Crockett’s appearance. “I think your fake eyelashes are messing up what you’re reading,” Greene said.

Speaking to reporters on Friday about the incident, Crockett said, “That’s all it is, it is racism. And she decided that she was going to be that person out loud and out front on yesterday. The difference is I just wasn’t going to take it laying down.”

“She is racist. I mean, I don’t have any questions about that,” she added.

Smile and be Cappy 👑🤑🤑 (lemmy.smeargle.fans)

We have this music box for our 1yo and there are a lot kid songs in different pop music styles and she loved "the one with the trumpets". I never really was into ska so I'm asking the collective for the best ska songs they know so I can surprise her with a playlist.

submitted 39 minutes ago by Rapidcreek@lemmy.world to c/globalnews@lemmy.zip
King. (i.redd.it)
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submitted 1 hour ago by schizoidman@lemmy.ml to c/science@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/15769515

Frozen human brain tissue works perfectly when thawed 18 months later

submitted 5 minutes ago by Servais@dormi.zone to c/askmenover30@lemm.ee

Is Moms for Liberty still a thing?

submitted 6 minutes ago by Syl@jlai.lu to c/demoscene@programming.dev
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