kinda depressing trans related thoughts
Man... sure does seem to be difficult to get people onboard with the idea that anyone under 18 should have the right to determine their gender and do anything medical at all about it Obviously in western nations there's this ridiculous perception of one's children as property, as a mini-version of the parent subject to their whims, to live vicariously through, as a prestige item. I swear to fuckin god death to amerikkka, chuds keep saying The West Has Fallen, like god I wish.
But also just in general I think there's a lot of resistance to the idea that kids should be allowed to do anything. The anecdote the one gradder shared of some 27-year-old exchange student needing parental signoff blows my fucking mind. Granted, maybe that type of thing is less of an issue when parents are less dogshit, but Idk. It does not bring me joy.