"I can't believe known liar Donald Trump would lie to us! I can't even imagine how a liar who lies about everything would lie!? It's unimaginable!"
What you just said is a lie because Trump never lies, liar!
“It’s insane to think a convicted fraud would lie, right?”
Leopards are going to be obese
That's how we stop them ... let the leopards eat so many faces that they get big and fat and can't eat any more faces.
Only problem is, they've been eating faces for thousands of years and they're still not full :(
Like the kill bots? Throw people at them until they hit their pre defined killing limit so they shut down. I like the cut of your jib.
I've said this before and I'll say it again. Their racism ties are stronger than their union ties.
They voted for him for their prejudices, not for their workers rights.
They're going to get the racism they wanted, they just thought he'd also support their unions. They're upset they can't get both things, but they won't trade their racism for union support, even now. They want both, but if they can have only one, it's racism. They'll just bitch about this.
Trump has been saying he was going to block this deal since early in his campaign. The Biden Administration was / is going to block it as well. The United Steelworkers Union has publicly said that it wants it blocked.
So WTF is all of this hubbub about? What's happening here is absolutely no surprise at all.
Trump said something and then proceeds to actually do it?
I would be surprised too.
Okay I snorted out loud at that one. That WOULD be a surprise!
These are not well-informed people.
"the scorpion won't sting me, or he would surely drown as well. What healthy, rational animal would want to destroy itself?" - frog
"They're eating the cats and dogs, fuck paying overtime, and white ethnostate nationalists are my friends" - brainrot scorpion
This is shit propaganda and most of you are eating it up. The union didn't want this deal either. Harris and Biden also pledged to block it. Just yesterday, the union released a statement thanking Trump for reiterating his support:
Not exactly. Everything you said is true, but the post is also true. The union does support the blocking of this deal at the national level. But some local workers and officials support the deal.
Trump upsets local union leaders by opposing U.S. Steel-Nippon deal https://triblive.com/news/politics-election/gut-punch-trump-upsets-local-union-leaders-by-opposing-us-steel-nippon-deal/
Trump promised to block the sale of U.S. Steel. What does that mean for the Pittsburgh area? https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/news/trump-us-steel-sale-pittsburgh-impact/
Steelworkers Feel 'Gut Punch' as Trump Plans to Block Takeover https://www.newsweek.com/pennsylvania-steelworkers-donald-trump-plans-block-us-steel-nippon-merger-1995300
Trump vows to block U.S. Steel's takeover by Japan's Nippon Steel https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-to-block-us-steel-nippon-steel-acquisition/
Trump vows to block Nippon Steel's purchase of U.S. Steel https://finance-commerce.com/2024/12/trump-vows-to-block-nippon-steels-purchase-of-u-s-steel/
Trump vows to block Japanese steelmaker from buying US Steel, pledges tax incentives and tariffs https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/trump-vows-block-japanese-steelmaker-buying-us-steel-116416311
Man, that geriatric orange pervert sure does act like a healthcare CEO...
ROFL All his lies are clearly available online; the fuck around and find out phase is going to be epic for all the fools that actually believed Trump. I'm admittedly terrified for those who are in the marginalized communities, though, because this will likely be a presidency that erodes a lot of protections for those that racists and bigots hate. 😔
Leopard meet face
Aside from Trump being an awful ~~liar~~ human, he is also evidently Japanophobic. What good logical reason is there to oppose the deal? Japan isn't a rival like China, it is the US's most willing ally. This will hurt more than just union jobs.
he is also evidently ~~Japano~~phobic
With this small correction, everything makes sense
honestly I have to agree with this. I don't agree with a lot of things he wants to do, but directly outsourcing more industries out of the US isn't helpful to the US. Costs stay up since it rarely leads to prices going down once they are up. it just moves out of country/makes us more dependant on others
4 more years of the dumbest sheep of all time complaining about the wolf they just worshipped like a god, while the entire time he told them he was going to fuck their lives up so hard the moment he got the chance.
Allegheny county voted overwhelmingly for the democratic candidate...
Bootlickers get booted.
I’m out of the loop, so what’s the big deal with this? What kind of promise does that break?
If he wants to keep American companies in American hands, isn’t this exactly the kind of thing he should be doing? Still probably not the smartest thing to do but, isn’t this kind of period of isolationism exactly what he has promised.
On the other hand, I recall hearing something about him protecting American jobs, but these two goals are in conflict here. Either you fund your industry yourself or accept foreign investments. If the former isn’t possible, then the latter remains the obvious choice.