Is she going to do another photoshoot where she looks wistfully past the fence of a concentration camp?
For posting all the anonymous reactionary bullshit that you can't post anywhere else.
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Oh damn, looks like she forgot the word "alongside" there.
Working tirelessly for a ceasefire with the Nazis or something
Liberals fucking love the concept of 'Nazis' because the imagery is so culturally specific that you can narrow it down to a group that basically doesn't exist whenever it suits you.
Genocidal enthnostate of Israel? Well it's Jewish so they can't be Nazis, that's silly.
Far right parties with fascist pasts? Well they're part of the democratic system so they can't be Nazis Nazis.
Explicitly racist, dehumanising border camps and agencies? They're not camps, just temporary detention centres, and it's a law enforcement department, they're not Nazis.
Extreme right and fascist groups abroad, opposing enemy governments, using fascist militia tactics? Well some of the insignia is unfortunate, and obviously once a new free state is established we'll definitely support the more moderate parties, but yes they make up part of the resistance to authoritarianism (which is worse) and you have to understand the nuanced local cultural history, so yes, they might get some weapons and support. But it's not like they're Nazi Nazis.
The Nazis only really existed between 1920 and 1945 anyway.
Liberals live in a world of euphemisms precisely so they can twist reality to show how they are different from their enemies. THEY have secret police, WE have plain clothes cops, its totally different lmao. They gotta try real hard to look different from nazis and it only fools other libs
The FBI is never described as "secret police," despite being exactly that.
I was thinking about this a few days ago, except about the dystopian genre. Liberals have to exaggerate what evil looks like because they can’t recognize evil as it presents itself in the real world. And it has the reverse effect of actually making people think that if someone isn’t literally a Nazi then they can’t be antisemitic, or if they aren’t calling minorities slurs then they can’t be racist. 1984 is a particularly bad example of this problem, but I don’t think I’ve read/watched a dystopian story that I cared much for.
Despite him being a think-tank-poisoned turbo-lib these days, this is why I still really appreciate William Gibson's worlds even in his more modern work.
(I haven't read the what if Hilary won one yet to be fair.)
He has for building these borderline incomprehensible to the individual dystopias where most people react with either confusion, incurious self-interest, or simply shrug and turn away.
In removedCountry billionaires, intelligence services, stay behind networks, and organised crime networks will all do anything to obtain a shipping container - despite the fact that basically none of them know what it contains or what it's real importance is. They only see bits and pieces and their incentives and chauvinistic need to secure it 'before their enemies do' is all it takes.
In The Peripheral a man-made cataclysm has happened. One that destroyed a significant part of the world and population as we knew it. It's referred to decades later as The Jackpot. It's just a thing that happened in the background many years ago to the survivors who live in the new world. Something people don't care to look at or examine for the most part. Just a thing that happened.
So much of his dystopian world building is about the way that everything becomes hyper normalised, ignored, and no one (including those in power) know what the hell is really going on or what to do about it.
I'd rather fight nazis til they're six feet in the ground tbh
Jesus and his self sacrifice was a disaster to poor peoples politics in western civilization
My Christ.
Unless they’re Israeli or Ukrainian. Only the American ones are worthy of the ire her fingers can conjure as they viciously type away on her phone’s touchscreen.
Antifa cosplaying is the new radlib schtick I've seen it in a couple of places now
drives her Tesla through the wall
"We're all looking for the person who supports Nazis"
Can't wait for AOC to vote "present" ✊
She just takes breaks from doing so for 4 years at a time.
She's doing what the anti-fascists asked her to
Well, unless they're Israeli...
"And by 'fight', I mean 'oppose at the ballot box'"
but.but but works so well on poor people. why isn't
working on nazis!!??!?!
Why does this cursed emoji exist?
waow, just woke up, crazy we have oligarchs
Seriously, wtf is she going to do? Shame the fascists while every now and then voting for their legislation to oppress minorities for political points
So true aoc