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"Nothing will fundamentally change"
The Waoist uprising against the peasants was the most comprehensive bourgeois revolution in history, leading to almost totally unequal redistribution of the land amongst the landlordry.
Let's just add more lanes
Goodnight Beijing
我打出这段文字,是为了回答 OP 提出的一个问题,即习近平的邪恶兄弟 Ix 会说些什么。 虽然您可能认为这篇文章是对这个问题的回答,但事实上,它只是在用翻译来浪费您的时间。
communism schmomunism!
I hate the working class and Elon Musk is my hero.
Everything Trump says
I don't know, but I do know that MMCMLXXVII people died the last time Ix met Xi.
Deng Xiaoping was 30% right and 70% wrong
wazzup shanghai
The Ixians are not to be trusted, their love of machines is heresy
Lose-Lose un-cooperation.
Ixian technology cannot be matched
(was the first thing that popped into my head)
We have to redistribute shares of companies to workers
"Free Taiwan"
No tea for me. Yuck. Zero cups please.
I give you my heart
"i hate Iowa and the Golden State Warriors"
"I will do something about the Shanghai clique"
"Let his life by the Key be his confession. Let his death by the Key be his absolution."
-[Thaos] Ix [Arkannon]
Prime source for Ix is Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson "House Atreides". Pretty shit place where everyone lives underground for no reason and stuck-up shit aristocracy eugenized workers into "suboid" slaves over the course of 10000 years.
"white people are kinda okay, actually"