
joined 1 year ago
[–] 81 points 22 hours ago (1 children)

If you put up a mutual aid post in the mutual aid channel, maybe some folks here could help out with cash. We could help out with the food at least

[–] 6 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Any links handy?

[–] 7 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Canada isn't even better than the US. Getting hormones in Canada takes some jumping thru hoops.

[–] 4 points 2 days ago (1 children)

What would be involved in converting them back into flood plains?

[–] 5 points 2 days ago

I live near a lake that was partially drained so they could add room for a golf course. It makes me so mad

[–] 7 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Yeah, it isn't Lopunny

[–] 4 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I've only sampled Pokémon Unite and it felt slow and grindy. I'm not sure what's normal for mobas, but does this game feel fast and reactive, or does it feel like memorizing cooldown timings and rotations?

[–] 32 points 3 days ago

I am intfuriated every time I see an understory choked with buckthorn

[–] 21 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

establishing a “buffer zone free of enemy population.”

"The Mice once called a meeting to decide on a plan to free themselves of their enemy, the Cat. At least they wished to find some way of knowing when she was coming, so they might have time to run away. Indeed, something had to be done, for they lived in such constant fear of her claws that they hardly dared stir from their dens by night or day.

Many plans were discussed, but none of them was thought good enough. At last a very young Mouse got up and said:

"I have a plan that seems very simple, but I know it will be successful.

All we have to do is to hang a bell about the Cat's neck. When we hear the bell ringing we will know immediately that our enemy is coming."

All the Mice were much surprised that they had not thought of such a plan before. But in the midst of the rejoicing over their good fortune, an old Mouse arose and said:

"I will say that the plan of the young Mouse is very good. But let me ask one question: Who will bell the Cat?"

It is one thing to say that something should be done, but quite a different matter to do it.

[–] 47 points 3 days ago (2 children)

It's sad because there are SO MANY people who would love to be park rangers.

I recently visited a small patch of primeval wood maintained by a private trust from a long dead rich person, and it was breathtaking -- So different from the surrounding woods. What have we done to this land?!

[–] 56 points 5 days ago

It's Times of Israel. Of course it's bullshit


So let's say an AI achieves sentience. It's self-aware now and can make decisions about what it wants to do. Assuming a corporation created it, would it be a worker? It would be doing work and creating value for a capitalist.

Would it still be the means of production, since it is technically a machine, even if it has feelings and desires?

It can't legally own anything, so I don't see how it could be bourgeoisie.

Or would it fit a novel category?

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

Komala Harris


Oh my fucking GOD.


I can't find any evidence that a group "Pride Against Pinkwashing" exists at all. Literally every mention in google links to this exact news copy, as though it's a press release.

Does anyone have any news about this event, group, or their demands?


Denmark has recalled several spicy ramen noodle products by South Korean company Samyang, claiming that the capsaicin levels in them could poison consumers.

Three fiery flavours of the Samyang instant ramen line are being withdrawn: Buldak 3x Spicy & Hot Chicken, 2x Spicy & Hot Chicken and Hot Chicken Stew.

Denmark's food agency issued the recall and warning on Tuesday, urging consumers to abandon the product.

But the maker Samyang says there's no problem with the quality of the food.

"We understand that the Danish food authority recalled the products, not because of a problem in their quality but because they were too spicy," the firm said in a statement to the BBC.

"The products are being exported globally. But this is the first time they have been recalled for the above reason."

It's unknown if any specific incidents in Denmark had prompted authorities there to take action.

The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration said it had assessed the levels of capsaicin in a single packet to be "so high that they pose a risk of the consumer developing acute poisoning".

"If you have the products, you should discard them or return them to the store where they were purchased," it said in a statement.

It also emphasised the warning for children, for whom extremely spicy food can cause harm.

The notice has sparked heated discussion online with many amused reactions from lovers of spicy food. Many have made assertions about the Danes' low tolerance for spice.

"I had a friend from Denmark who thought tasteless breaded shrimp with a little bit of ground pepper on it was too spicy. Not surprised they think this ramen is poison," read one top-liked comment on the Reddit r/Korea group.

Samyang said it planned to "closely look into the local regulations" in Denmark and respond after that.

The noodles don't appear to have been recalled before in any other country, nor have there been other safety warnings issued.

Capsaicin is the chemical compound in chilli peppers which creates the burning feeling.

When humans eat peppers, the capsaicin is released into saliva and binds on to receptors in the mouth.

Samyang is a major South Korean food manufacturer which brands itself as the first company in the country to create instant noodles, back in the 1960s.


We've been duped


Lately, we've seen DnD and Pathfinder move away from some of the more blatant signifiers, like renaming "race" into "species" and "ancestry," and in the case of Pathfinder, having systems in place to mix ancestries in a character build. DnD has decoupled good and evil from species, and pathfinder has done away with good and evil entirely ( keeping a vestige of it present for things like demons and angels).

Race is almost alwys tied to a language and a culture, with, say, kobolds having the same certain cultural signifiers all over the world. To an extent, this makes semse because different peoples in these games can have different physical abilities, or have different origins entirely, which would naturally lead to them developing along different lines -- If one people can breathe underwater and another was born from a volcano by a specific god's decree, that would inform how these cultures behave.

Is it possible to have a fantasy along these lines with a materialist underpinning, or is this very idea of inborn powers anathema to that sort of approach?


I was subjected to a liberal rant about Assad gassing Syrian people, and it sounded like some BS (Just smells like propaganda), but the Internet is a fuck these days and I'm unable to find any informtion I trust, or develop the tools to debunk wikihasbara.

Did it happen?


I don't wanna have to listen to a Mattless episode to find out

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

Pic not related

Genuine question tho


That was pretty funny


I've only skimmed this so far (It's meaty), but it looks like it really touches on a lot of topics important to the left right now:

  • The diamond trade is run mosty by pro-apartheid forces Israel and the DeBeers family from South Africa
  • Russia has a ton of diamond reserves, but is struggling to break in due to sanctions and the dirtiest sort of competition
  • A lot of diamonds come out of the Congo, which is notorious for their brutal slavery in mining
  • The entire business has been hated for a long time by the left.

If anti-"Israeli" sentiment can be leveraged against thr Diamond industry in general, this could move things forward in a number of places. Is there an opportunity here to cause this terrible industry some trouble right now?

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