[-] Hexbear2@hexbear.net 26 points 2 months ago

I play multiple woodwinds, including recorder. Kids aren't taught how to play it right and the recorders they give the kids are kinda junky so they sound bad. The recorder is a quiet instrument, one doesn't "blow" through it, they touch it to their lips and exhale, least amount of air to sound the note is always the right way to play it, it fell out of favor because it's dynamic range is so limited.

This one is one of the best, and I've tried nearly all of them since they are so cheap:


Recorder is a gateway to other woodwinds, flute, saxophone, and clarinet, in particular.

[-] Hexbear2@hexbear.net 24 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I feel like the truss bridge design using rigid steel support structure was a bad one. For such a long span, it seems cable support is the safest because cables allow for some movement and the structure isn't as rigid. If it weren't the ship, an earthquake may have eventually cause the same outcome. That thing fell like a wet noodle upon impact of just one support column, seems like a really bad design. Should have built something like golden gate bridge.

[-] Hexbear2@hexbear.net 25 points 3 months ago

Have Canadian police been reading about degrading material conditions leading to revolution?

[-] Hexbear2@hexbear.net 34 points 3 months ago

The US will blow a trillion dollars on a failed F-35 program, but won't even build up its own semiconductor manufacturing industry. The US truly is fucked.

[-] Hexbear2@hexbear.net 26 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

America won WWII through recycling model Ts and other crap we had laying around in landfills and turning it into ships planes and tanks. We shipp all our scrap to other countries these days, there is no reserve to quickly ramp up new production lines. In fact, China built some of their infrastructure on the bones of American waste, even including the scrap we sent over from the world trade center and the solar panels that Carter put on the white house. America is so fucked in any conflict with China. America couldn't even beat Illiterate Afghani with busted-up AK-47s who never even heard of 9-11.

[-] Hexbear2@hexbear.net 54 points 3 months ago

The reality of a modern major war with China, an ocean away, with no logistical supply chain, is that it will be fought and over within weeks, culminating with the launch of nuclear weapons.

[-] Hexbear2@hexbear.net 26 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Why not just make the subway free and fund it with a tax on wallstreet? I'd run for mayor on that platform and be elected. Also, how does the Governor have any say over the city subway system?

[-] Hexbear2@hexbear.net 46 points 3 months ago

It's all food, with maybe one exception, honeycrisp apples, but all sub variants of the honeycrisp are worse! In an effort to appeal to mass market, all food is being purposely made more bland. Then you gotta pay more for "high quality tasty food" it's disgusting. Food science is a mistake, return to grandma cross breeding heirlooms.

[-] Hexbear2@hexbear.net 47 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Whatever you do, don't self-immolate. Sadly, this guy will get 2-3 days media attention, and then be forgotten, having accomplished nothing. We can all put our energy to better use.

You're only accountable for the things you can control. For most people, that's not very much, sadly. Think about what you can do within your ability, for example, speaking out, attending protests, donating to causes or volunteering for causes that support the people of palestine, etc. Someone might come along and say you're not doing enough, but doing something is always better than doing nothing, no matter how small.

[-] Hexbear2@hexbear.net 40 points 4 months ago

All Americans, since US of America became a country, have been alive during slavery. Slavery was never fully outlawed. Does any American actually read their constitution? Maybe start with the 13th amendment?

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."


What the actual fuck? They moved the outlook search bar to the top of the window (the blue top box) and I can't move my sidebar to the left side of the screen to free up vertical real-estate. Fuck everything about this. Burn this software down.

[-] Hexbear2@hexbear.net 33 points 4 months ago

Not voting for Biden is giving the election to the cheeto-man

Not voting for Trump is giving the election to brandon

[-] Hexbear2@hexbear.net 24 points 8 months ago

I get GS-12 pay. I'm part of a special project ran by a special agency to appear as a legitimate organic user and to slowly push for de-escalation of extremism one rationale comment at a time. Thanks for blowing my cover, jerk. fedposting

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