[-] TheDoctor@hexbear.net 34 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago)

We’ve developed the ability to cure trauma in a matter of minutes.

That’s incredible. What sort of things will it be used for?

Mostly manipulating nonviolent prisoners into being more submissive.

These people are visionless losers on top of being liars and their lack of empathy would be pathetic if it wasn’t being rewarded so heavily by porky

[-] TheDoctor@hexbear.net 34 points 12 hours ago

I couldn’t watch much of it. It was embarrassing. I worry that accurately describing the extent to which Biden seemed ill will come off as an exaggeration. Normally they give him something to perk him up and let him speak with his chest for an hour. He just couldn’t get it done last night.

[-] TheDoctor@hexbear.net 11 points 1 day ago

Democrats are the party of science unless an expert disagrees with one of their personal biases

[-] TheDoctor@hexbear.net 5 points 1 day ago

You love to see it, folks

[-] TheDoctor@hexbear.net 15 points 1 day ago

Classic father son bonding time

[-] TheDoctor@hexbear.net 14 points 2 days ago

Not Luke literally dissociating as he tries to piece together what the fuck is happening michael-laugh

[-] TheDoctor@hexbear.net 8 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I had a speech impediment until like 10th grade so I feel this in my bones. Everyone used to come up and tell me, “Hey [TheDoctor], say [the r word] for me. Real quick.”

Edit: Did I say “everyone”? I meant my friends. Only my friends did that to me. I’m autistic btw.

[-] TheDoctor@hexbear.net 7 points 2 days ago

I didn’t until you brought it up

[-] TheDoctor@hexbear.net 6 points 2 days ago

Are those emotes pictures of of JREG? Because it’s funnier if they are.

[-] TheDoctor@hexbear.net 17 points 3 days ago

It’s had several peer reviewed rebuttals that are damning, however.

[-] TheDoctor@hexbear.net 32 points 3 days ago

You might say, the high-finance equivalent of the guys who come to break your legs.


[-] TheDoctor@hexbear.net 14 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Me when I’m writing excellent error handling. Think this is bad? You can’t even imagine the errors I’m saving you from.


Remind: don’t fuck the bunny


This is clearly the superior way to post

submitted 2 weeks ago by TheDoctor@hexbear.net to c/music@hexbear.net

I’m trying to figure out if I wanna get one of these for the family to share and they look pretty cheap. I like that the ones I see advertised come preloaded with games so I don’t have to do all the setup and downloading. But I’m capable of doing that setup if there’s a better device that doesn’t come preloaded.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by TheDoctor@hexbear.net to c/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns@hexbear.net

I’m researching hair removal and the sheer amount of options as well as the range in price just seems daunting. Why are there $30 devices and also $300 devices? And why would people chose to pay more for a single session than the device costs on its own?

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by TheDoctor@hexbear.net to c/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns@hexbear.net

It was the most trans movie I’ve ever seen and I don’t know what to do with it.

spoilersI cried when she aged twenty years instead of going back. And I’m pretty sure the ending means she never went back. What a heartbreaking movie.

I was also really struck by usage of tv screens to act less like corrupting forced and more like windows into people’s essences. The idea that TVs are corrupting the youth is so pervasive even now that the usage confused me at first. I remember seeing the scene from the trailer where the main character is being pulled into the tv, remembering that scene while watching the movie and thinking, “wait, they’re gonna somehow make me root for that happening?”

I think there’s an interesting subversion of delusion happening in general in the movie. In most other movies, but big reveal in the bar would be framed like someone losing their mind. But instead it plants genuine doubt and manages to convince the audience that the world they’ve been inhabiting is not real.

I’m not absolutely devastated like so many people have been but maybe I hyped it up in my head. I managed to avoid spoilers. But emotionally I had heavy expectations for it. I also can’t get it out of my head. It’s just swirling around in there.

I don’t know how anyone can watch it and not see the transness of it, but apparently some people do.

submitted 3 weeks ago by TheDoctor@hexbear.net to c/music@hexbear.net

CW for gun violence and for discussion of suicide

submitted 1 month ago by TheDoctor@hexbear.net to c/videos@hexbear.net

I’d love to do an effort post distilling some of her arguments about fast fashion and modern clothing production.

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