Choose your fighter

[-] 23 points 3 months ago

about to head out to my first interview of today, wish me luck

[-] 10 points 3 months ago

But have we considered the possibility that cryptids and mythical beings just happen to look like shitty cg renders?

[-] 12 points 3 months ago

she defitely shitposting irl but still

[-] 19 points 3 months ago

trying to goof on trump eating fast food and gf keeps insisting "oh he just pretends to for his image, you know how billionaires are with curating image" but like how impossible is it that guy would eat fast food regularly to the point of insisting he switches out packaging and has his chefs make better versions, and that he wouldn't do this because he'd be afraid of being poisoned

she admits its a conspiracy and that he definitely has no taste but wanted me to post this bc she wants to see what ppl say

[-] 6 points 4 months ago

Large hatred of the Big Bopper

[-] 24 points 4 months ago

he reminds of all those short memorial pieces all those wrestlers were doing in the chris benoit memorial episode before vince found out it chris was the one who did it

[-] 1 points 7 months ago

Gee, I'm sure my 6 ft masc-presenting self is what they're looking for in a driver right

Cleo likes her new toy (

My lovely cat Grace, gonna post another one of him 5 minutes later in the comments


(I know this rant doesn't really apply to anyone here, mostly self-described history nerds on, like, reddit, but still.)

I mean, it's not like the US moved into a Vietnam totally devoid of any, like, veteran troops, military materiel, fortifications, or an effective command structure- all of which NVA and Viet Cong forces would demonstrate in spades during the Second Indochina War- sorry, the Vietnam War.

And that leads to another point- are any of these people who browse and post on are slash historymemes aware of the over seven year long war the French fought and lost, or even the resistance the Viet Minh displayed against the Japanese during World War II? Bet not. Even more, the fact that Vietnam, only three years after reunification, invaded and stomped out the Khmer Rouge, another CIA puppet?

Anyway, back on track- the NVA was, in all the ways that matter, a highly effective and adaptable that beat back both France and the US, no mean feat, so the fact that all their victories are popularly attributed to "muh human wave guerrillas" instead of their successful use of operational and strategic planning, to say nothing of their frankly astoundingly effectiveness of applying logistics ( Ho Chi Minh Trail, anyone? ) just kinda torques me, is all. Frankly, I think Vo Nguyen Giap, at least, should be considered a prime case study of a general who knew the value and power of logistics, and at the very least ought to be acknowledged as one of the great generals of history, certainly greater than the Americans' and French's' leadership.


joined 3 years ago