[-] rbn@sopuli.xyz 2 points 6 hours ago

I installed 14 Philips Hue White & Color LEDs in 2016 and so far not a single one of them broke. They were quite expensive back then (around 40€ per bulb) but I'm still quite happy with the overall quality. Not sure if they are still as durable but nowadays they are way cheaper, so maybe that's an option for you as well.

[-] rbn@sopuli.xyz 11 points 1 day ago

Und mit Stufenfilmen sind dann diese "Hilfe Stiefbruder, ich stecke im Trockner fest"-Filme gemeint?

[-] rbn@sopuli.xyz 11 points 2 days ago

Might taste just fine but looking at it, that's not a form of presentation I'd consider as 'food porn'.

[-] rbn@sopuli.xyz 4 points 2 days ago

Was it meant to isolate the bottles so the drink remains chill for an extended period? Never saw something like that.

[-] rbn@sopuli.xyz 11 points 2 days ago

On all pictures that I find, these airless tires have open sides. Wouldn't that accumulate huge amounts of snow, dirt etc. over time? And if a small rock gets trapped between the rubber, that's probably also not ideal for the longevity of the tire?

[-] rbn@sopuli.xyz 1 points 2 days ago

If you pay janitors the same as engineers then no one will bother going to school to study engineering.

I think that's debatable. Personally, I went to university and had a great time there. Apart from learning, that phase of my life had lots of events, parties and spending time with friends. I always saw it as a priviledge that I had the opportunity to gather so much knowledge. Especially as school and university are paid for by the state where I live.

At the same age a janitor, someone in room service or cleaning dishes was already in the middle of their job. And while I today have a job where I get paid for solving interesting problems sitting at a comfortable desk in an airconditioned office or even at home, those other pals are still cleaning hotel rooms, dishes or scrape off bubble gum from the tables.

Personally, I think the job itself is more than sufficient of an incentive to justify higher-level education for people. That's at least my take as long as the state pays for your education like in my country.

But independent from that I'm very aware that your standpoint on this is way more popular than mine. Also had similar debates with other people in my privileged situation and they are all eager that they deserve better than a random uneducated person because they did so much hard work at university. I find that pretty ironic, because I know some of these people from university and they barely learned for the assignments and the only hard work they did was drinking at a bar or club every other night having the time of their life.

[-] rbn@sopuli.xyz 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

And because it can't be really measured at all for many jobs. What's the economic value created by someone in customer support? What's the value created by a janitor? A dish washer?

Most jobs are not directly generating revenue out of nothing. Only the company as a whole does and it cannot be mathematically calculated who generates what share. In communism, you'd probably argue that everyone is equally important and thus earnings should be distributed linearly.

But if you tell people that everyone should make the same no matter if it's room keeping or an engineer, they mostly get upset. Because they derserve better than those dumb, lazy fuckers who didn't even go to school blahblahblah. They rather fight those below their own socioeconomic status and dream of their breakthrough and becoming a millionaire themselves. People are often egoistic unfortunately.

[-] rbn@sopuli.xyz 3 points 3 days ago

Yeah, especially that dirt effect in the corner looks pretty weird to me for a human-made painting.

[-] rbn@sopuli.xyz 13 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

And takes well-informed (buying) decisions with a high focus on quality.

[-] rbn@sopuli.xyz 7 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

The sea in New Mexico is all dried up because of of all the wildfires caused by fireworks from rich guys' yachts.

[-] rbn@sopuli.xyz 7 points 5 days ago

I use Mull on Android and so far I'm satisfied with it.

[-] rbn@sopuli.xyz 11 points 6 days ago

In case you get it tattoed, also put the entire conversation next to it. Would be funny at least for a few years. Then, probably no one will remember what a ChatGPT is.

submitted 2 months ago by rbn@sopuli.xyz to c/dach@feddit.de

Hallo zusammen,

als ich eben auf der Seite der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung unterwegs war, bin ich auf die verlinkte Stellenanzeige gestoßen. Das gesuchte Profil fand ich dabei ziemlich verwunderlich:

Momentan suchen wir junge Menschen, die zu den Landtagswahl in Thüringen oder Brandenburg wahlberechtigt sind, am Wahltag nicht älter als 26 Jahre sind und Lust haben in einem dreitägigen Workshop die Thesen für den Wahl-O-Mat zur entwickeln.

Der Wahl-O-Mat ist aus meiner Erfahrung im Bekanntenkreis ein wichtiges Instrument zum Treffen einer Wahlentscheidung. Wenn in der Redaktion dieses öffentlichen Tools jetzt vornehmlich junge Leute sitzen, führt dies nicht automatisch zu einem gewissen Bias? Wäre es nicht wichtig, bei einem Tool, das von verschiedensten Altersgruppen genutzt wird, auch Perspektiven aus allen Teilen der Gesellschaft einfließen zu lassen? Bei U26 sind Themen wie Bildung, Klimawandel usw. sicher näher am eigenen Leben als bspw. Rente, Barrierefreiheit oder Immobilienthemen. Werden dann nicht schon unbewusst entsprechende Schwerpunkte auf die eigenen Themenbereiche gesetzt?

Ich bin selbst noch recht jung und würde mich auch politisch als ziemlich links einstufen. Eine überproportional junge Redaktion arbeitet also höchstwahrscheinlich zu meinen Gunsten. So wirklich demokratisch erscheint mir das aber ehrlich gesagt nicht.

Und selbst abgesehen von demokratischen Bedenken, finde ich das auch in Bezug auf das allgemeine Gleichbehandlungsgesetz (Altersdiskriminierung) schwierig.

Wie sehr ihr das? Kennt jemand Hintergründe oder war sogar schon mal in der Redaktion dabei?

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