this post was submitted on 29 Aug 2024
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founded 4 years ago

Fred Hampton, deputy chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party, was born on August 30, 1948 and raised in the Chicago suburb of Maywood, Illinois. In high school he excelled in academics and athletics. After Hampton graduated from high school, he enrolled in a pre-law program at Triton Junior College in River Grove, Illinois. Hampton also became involved in the civil rights movement, joining his local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). His dynamic leadership and organizational skills in the branch enabled him to rise to the position of Youth Council President. Hampton mobilized a racially integrated group of five hundred young people who successfully lobbied city officials to create better academic services and recreational facilities for African American children.

In 1968, Hampton joined the Black Panther Party (BPP), headquartered in Oakland, California. Using his NAACP experience, he soon headed the Chicago chapter. During his brief BPP tenure, Hampton formed a “Rainbow Coalition” which included Students for a Democratic Society, the Blackstone Rangers, a street gang and the National Young Lords, a Puerto Rican organization. Hampton was also successful in negotiating a gang truce on local television.

In an effort to neutralize the Chicago BPP, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Chicago Police Department placed the chapter under heavy surveillance and conducted several harassment campaigns. In 1969, several BPP members and police officers were either injured or killed in shootouts, and over one hundred local members of the BPP were arrested.

During an early morning police raid of the BPP headquarters at 2337 W. Monroe Street on December 4, 1969, twelve officers opened fire, killing the 21-year-old Hampton and Peoria, Illinois Panther leader Mark Clark. Police also seriously wounded four other Panther members. Many in the Chicago African American community were outraged over the raid and what they saw as the unnecessary deaths of Hampton and Clark. Over 5,000 people attended Hampton’s funeral where Reverends Ralph Abernathy and Jesse Jackson of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference eulogized the slain activist. Years later, law enforcement officials admitted wrongdoing in the killing of Hampton and Clark. In 1990, and later in 2004, the Chicago City Council passed resolutions commemorating December 4 as Fred Hampton Day.

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(page 2) 50 comments
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[–] 14 points 2 weeks ago

“Law and order” is a phrase mouthed by hypocrites to command the obedience of cowards. The capitalist class buys law, as it does labor, using the one to fleece the other, and what it means by “law and order” is cringing submission to slavery.

—Eugene V. Debs

[–] 14 points 2 weeks ago (8 children)

What's a cool new addiction I can start to get away from alcohol?

Something that provides a similar euphoria and has entirely different health consequences. I need to set different organs on fire.

Accepting any answers (e.g. substances, lifestyles, hobbies, games, sexual role-play, collecting funk-o pops, ruling entire nations IRL - be as creative or non-creative as you want)

[–] 13 points 2 weeks ago

if you're in a position to be doing addictive amounts of sex you should definitely do that. sex is excercise! that's healthy!

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[–] 14 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (2 children)

putting all my Firefox extensions on trial rn. something’s circumventing uBlock Origin to inject ads into my search and I know it’s not Google because it’s redirecting through an unaffiliated website

indirect reference to potential malicious link, investigate at your own riskafterdarkmode dot net

I’m pulling out the debug profiler to find the bastard columbo-donk

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[–] 13 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Sailor Moon and Goku could have stopped 9/11 and they didn't do anything. Smh.

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[–] 13 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

Anyone exercise without off days?

I find it so difficult to go running after a day off that I'm seriously considering it. I'm thinking of trying 7 days a week, with 2 light days instead on 6 days on and 1 day off.

Off days don't seem to help me recover much anyway. Whenever I get a minor injury it seems to heal much better if I do a light jog instead of sitting around.

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[–] 13 points 2 weeks ago (7 children)

Holy shit I used t*nder for the first time ever today and it's really bad. a-guy

Capitalists really created an atomized hellscape and sold us a chance at Human Connection for 15$ per week. Mfers straight up invented the loneliness tax.

How come nobody made a free open source dating app? Apart from I mean hexbear-pride

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[–] 13 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (4 children)

I'm so fucking happy, and mad, and sad, all at the same time, all for the same reason. I can finally legally do more than vague post about it

So someone I know was a juror in a murder trial and like, the whole thing is just fucked, from top to bottom

CW: Domestic Violence, murder,, traumatic description of death the callous disregard of the court system for human lifeSo basically what happened was this serial domestic abuser who has repeatedly beat the shit out of his partner was in a car with his cousin, his partner, and his cousin's partner, and like this fucker starts whaling on his gf, the one driving, saying I'LL KILL YOU and hitting her with a beer bottle and shit. And they end up pulling into a parking lot, which is why there's camera evidence, and after a brief altercation and like one minute pause where he stood around, the non-domestic-abuser took the other guy's gun and fired three shots, hitting twice, and the domestic abuser ended up dying choking on his own blood

The person I know who was a juror was traumatized by watching the video, and again by hearing the coroner describe his death, realizing on their own "he choked on his own blood"

it turns out this was an appeal trial for a person already given a LIFE SENTENCE for this. because last time they didn't inform the jury "you can declare him 'not guilty' if you believe he was acting in defense of [dead shithead's partner]."

They don't inform the jury of this. So he gets a new trial where they do inform the jury of this

The new jury ended up agreeing on a guilty verdict for voluntary manslaughter, because in this second trial the prosecution hyper-focused on "did he use excessive force" (he fired three shots! if a cop fired an entire clip and said he was scared he'd be fucking fine!!!)

their argument was basically "you saw him beat the shit out of her multiple times before, and didn't kill him then, so killing him now is excessive force"

the jury also hyper focused on the number of gun shots (as if a cop wouldn't empty an entire mag into a person's chest and then say they feared for their life, and get off scot free)

after agreeing on voluntary manslaughter, the jury was informed this was the defendant's third strike. a third felony. so now, they the jury must decide whether or not this person is guilty of being a habitual felon, and deserving of LIFE IN PRISON. (extra fucked up because it puts that burden of deciding the punishment on the jury instead of the fucking judge)

For "three strikes." I'm so close to tears just writing about it. One of the defendant's "strikes" was committed AS A TEENAGER. They tried them as an adult and it's stuck with them for over two decades.

Anyway, thank fuck there were at least a few people on the jury who would refuse to send this person to prison for life, and they held their ground, and it was declared a mistrial

but even then, the defendant has been in jail for SIX YEARS. And now they have to wait even longer for another trial, where the jury might be even less sympathetic.

It's just so fucked, and the prosecution changed things from seeking a murder conviction in the first trial to charging for manslaughter, like, so clearly to get a FELONY conviction, which would be a third strike

I've been really struggling not to post about this but like it's just so fucked and even though I wasn't a direct part of things it's still very upsetting. I am so angry at the state for how much this has upset someone I know and I am so full of disgust for how all of this has proceeded and just full of hate for the people who just want this person to rot in prison for life. At the same time, I'm so grateful that there will be another chance at this person's freedom.

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[–] 13 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

But is being rude to me about the genocide I am supporting really productive? Maybe if you toned down your criticism a little you could convince me, a middle-class liberal, surely that is the whole point of criticism.

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[–] 13 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

We should find out some numbers for calls centers that pay by the hour and hexbears who have nothing to do can call up with made up issues, joke around on the phone a bit while pretending to get tech support and leave good feedback. We can make people's jobs easier.

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[–] 13 points 2 weeks ago

I'm pretty sure a few of the apple vision pro guys talked about the virtual keyboard as like a productivity thing, and it's just always funny to realize a lot of the treat influencers, besides never having had a real job, have literally never typed at a keyboard.

[–] 13 points 2 weeks ago

Formula 1 cars are way too expensive for what you get. They don't even have turn signals

[–] 13 points 2 weeks ago (8 children)

watched monkey man yesterday and freaking zakir hussain is in it. i watched a couple hours of his live videos on a mushroom trip a few years ago and afterward it felt like i was hearing everyone's speech in tabla rhythms.

in the movie he uses his tabla to train monkey man how to punch extra super good so he can save the hijra commune from the evil bad guy.

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[–] 13 points 2 weeks ago (13 children)

Everything feels wrong, I can barely tell the difference between anxiety and reality anymore

cw: doomer, suicide, wolvestwo-wolves-1 You're so fucked now, and you're so fucking old now, you know how much time you've wasted? Close your left eye right now, look at that grey splotch in your right eye, are you prepared to live with that for the rest of your life? You're damaged beyond repair, you should redact yourself now

It's uhhhhhhh not that big of a hole in my retina? It obscures maybe a single small word on a computer monitor at a comfortable viewing distance if I have my left eye closed? two-wolves-2

two-wolves-1 Do you hear that? Your tinnitus is getting louder recently. Why were you feeling so dizzy last night? That was textbook vertigo last night when you were laying down and it felt like the world was spinning. You think normal people struggle with holes in their retinas? This is all a sign of something deeply, permanently wrong with you and staying alive further will only prolong your suffering as you watch your body failing more and more and the possibilities receding with each passing day

Please.... stop talking.... it's too much two-wolves-2

two-wolves-1 Your body is fucked and your brain is cooked, it only gets worse from here. Any day now one of those transient holes in your retina that no doctor has been able to explain will be another permanent hole in your retina with how much caffeine you use, how shit your diet is, how little exercise you get, how dysfunctional you are in dealing with any of it, how stressed you are all the time, how [.....]

I'm so tired and idk what to do doomjak

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[–] 13 points 2 weeks ago

it is august 29 and stalin saved the world from fascism

[–] 12 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Checking out Baltimore today to consider a job offer. Anyone familiar with Baltimore have any suggestions? We’re going to the B&O Railroad Museum train-shining

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[–] 12 points 2 weeks ago

Weekly reminder: Fuck Uber

[–] 12 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

how come goats have rectangular pupil? are they doing slit experiments in their eyeballs

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[–] 12 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

beat castlevania portrait of ruin on level 1 capped hard mode. insane experience, even with emulator save scumming

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[–] 12 points 2 weeks ago

I fucking hate "woke" zionists and how antisemitic they get trying to defend it. Idpol-addicted depraved assholes.

::: spoiler Here is a collage of my feelings on the matter speech-side-r-1 "You see, 90% of this Asiatic horde agrees on the establishment of an ethnostate for them. Very telling that the so-called tolerant left would not support this." speech-side-r-2 i-am-adolf-hitler trans-gun bird-screm-2

[–] 12 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Visible ranks in multiplayer team games are one of the worst thing ever implemented

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[–] 12 points 2 weeks ago

Carbohydrates. So good for my mood, so bad for my waistline.

[–] 12 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

old people giving me way more compliments on my fits than any of these damn kids at school

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[–] 12 points 2 weeks ago (7 children)

after the heartbreak carousel that's ensued since my divorce a little over a year ago i think i should write a love story of some kind as my next creative project. just need to hash out deets.

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[–] 12 points 2 weeks ago

when im feeling socially restless and/or h*rny i regret living in such a family-focused neighborhood. my go-to bar is a chill vibe but not the best for meeting people. the neighborhood is nice overall but the night life as a youngish dude leaves much to be desired.

[–] 12 points 2 weeks ago
[–] 12 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)
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[–] 12 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I hate to say it but ever since getting banned from twitter a third time I think I've actually unironically logged out a little. Or maybe it's the six day work weeks making my spare time much more scarce and much more valuable, making me choose to do things that piss me off on purpose less

[–] 12 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

Mocktails are just gentrified juice

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[–] 12 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

You wanna see something simultaneously cute and kinda creepy?

Weird cat eye thing, might be gross to you

spoilerCurly will nap with his eyes half open sometimes with just the third eyelid covering his eyes

He looks like he can dream visions of the future

(They're probably just about getting tuna, and he's probably right)

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[–] 12 points 2 weeks ago

I work in a creative job and this is the week my bosses finally started pushing AI hard, and specifically in the area that I specialize in. Honestly it kind of looks like shit, but if they can crank out lots of mediocre crap in less time with less overhead I’m not sure they or even the client will care. Trying hard to keep my chin up and not fall into a blackpilled despair spiral, but it’s hard not to take this personally. Like I can’t believe this is the world we choose to live in.

[–] 12 points 2 weeks ago

that moment when you don't want to exercise after work because you're fucking tired, but know that if you don't you'll break your habits and your body will just start to fall apart and you'll feel even worse forever if you don't

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