CPUSA in the handle, is a white chauvanist, a true wonder
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So....the entire global south just needs to be left holding the bag and be the exploited proletariats for the lazy global north bourgeoisie who just kick back and do nothing? Sounds like a type of NATIONAL socialism to me. Sure, there may be no more exploitation within the country's borders, but only because literally everyone in the citizenry is bourgeois.
for the lazy global north bourgeoisie
The one thing those CHUDs were kind of right about…too bad they don’t see CHUDDery as an extension of that laziness.
the chuds are the ones in the school, my guy
Whew, that's a right crock of bullshit, more PatSoc nonsense. There can be no genuine Marxism nor actual justice without decolonization because Marxism is fundamentally internationalist.
Decolonization isn't internationalist though. It's nationalist.
It's a nationalist movement from the side of the colonized, but supporting said movements from the Colonial perspective is an internationalist stance. Given the perspective of the original post we are laughing at, they should take the internationalist stance and support national liberation in the colonies.
Put another way, a US nationalist Socialist is a supporter of Imperialism and perpetuating it, while a Palestinian nationalist Socialist is a supporter of overthrowing settler colonialism and Imperialism. The key factor here is that national liberation of the colonies is a prerequisite to internationalist Socialism.
Great answer, this is covered in Domenico Losurdo "class struggle" in the internationalism chapters.
Thanks! I guess I'll have to add that to my reading list, really need to read Black Legend too. Might take a back seat since I'm doing Hexbear's annual Capital Volumes 1-3 weekly reading club this year though.
can i get an @ at the reading club
Thanks, ill hop by when i make the reading.
No problem! First thread is up, but feel free to drop in and out as you see fit, more than anything I'm doing it to hold myself accountable.
Reiterating how happy I am for dodging the bullet of joining the CPUSA and joining the PSL instead.
"hygiene drug will kill the patient, he needs mouse bites to live" ass take
"I, too, am in this episode."
This vexes me.
I guess their critique of the Soviet Union would be that it supported too many national liberation struggles
Trying to imagine having a worse take on decolonisation.
The sinwar profile pic as well
Yeah Ok whitey. Now shut up.
More cracker ass takes at 11
They're a Gonzalist.
And looking through their twitter, they spend most of their time posting about Palestine. And they've retweeted stuff in support of the Haitian revolution. Do they not see those movements as DeColonial? That was one thing I saw in the replies to this tweet, a guy trying to argue that "national liberation" != DeColonization, because a lot of supposedly de-colonized countries were still effectively controlled by France.
When smuggling whiteness through the backdoor is too much work, so you just chuck it through the window
Ironically that ideology is no different than the original idea white Amerikkkans had when I was reading Settler. Both this mf and the landed gentry that typically did settle on Turtle Island agreed on one thing: "Can't we just have the browns do all the work for us?"
It's an idea that I don't think has been properly challenged, and even backfires on the very white people it supposedly wants to "help". Look at how hard it is to get a job these days, and I think that's part of the reason that 'start your own business' is such a thought-terminating cliche.
"Remember that I have no real issue with the American elites. My real problem lies with the American people."
The addiction to exploiting the global south is what made me so angy in the first place
Same, before I was socialist, I watched the Zeitgeist documentaries and learned how every time a country wanted to provide for its people, the US was there to assassinate the leader and install a fascist dictator for the sake of maintaining its hegemony and maintaining the US dollar's dominance. I was so appalled and realized how disgusting of a country Amerikkka is.
Yeah just look how behind on the socialism Vietnam is
this is offensive and I hope this fed gets shafted on their pension
frauddogg, if you're here, drag this settler to the pit of hell.
This settler isn't even worth being in frauddogg's presence
I apologize. would suffice, and nothing else.
Feds are really trying hard to larp, huh
what in tarnation
I don't know how long it's been since I've seen such a kkkracker take.
How do you even come to that conclusion? Only way I can see it, is that he thinks that decolonization will turn off the treat-faucet too much and western workers will blame marxists for it. Even assuming that this is absolutely true, this take completely fails to see the needs of colonized people. That whole take just seems a bit treat-brained to me...
Apparently he supports palestine but doesn't think of national liberation movements as decolonial, so it seems like he's hung up terminology. >.>
Ron DeColonial
Sometimes I look at stuff like this and am reminded that I'm maybe too harsh on myself.
Somewhere Sakai is laughing