Imagine being born a girl, and everyone around you, including your school, is telling you "your entire goal is to get married and serve some dude his entire life".
I would be the most red feminist alive if that shit was pushed on me.
Community for all women and non-binary people.
Some ground rules:
Imagine being born a girl, and everyone around you, including your school, is telling you "your entire goal is to get married and serve some dude his entire life".
I would be the most red feminist alive if that shit was pushed on me.
I regularly think about how fucking pissed off I would be if I was a girl. I'm pissed of about it already and I am not even a girl
every right-wing propaganda film stars:
Every woke movie has:
me after successfully getting the check engine light in my car to turn off by ignoring it for a few days until it goes away
check engine
Yup. Still there 👍
New Megathread nerds
🐶 Join the unofficial Hexbear-adjacent Mastodon instance
🌈 If you ever want to make your own megathread, you can go here nerd
No current struggle session discussion here on the new general megathread, i will ban you from the comm and remove your comment, have a good day/night :meow-coffee:
My professor is forcing me to use AI for some of my assignments that have nothing to do with AI. He thinks that AI use will be essential for writing papers in the future hence I need to learn how to use it.
Most of my classmates use it for all their assignments and when I read their stuff it’s so noticeably AI written based on the generic sentence structure and unnecessary filler words. It feels like it just makes everything worse but my professor & classmates make me feel like I’m just not adjusting well to the new technology.
my professor & classmates make me feel like I’m just not adjusting well to the new technology.
Don't. The technology just isn't there. And I'm not even sure the incentive to improve it is quite there either.
Hexbear is the leftist version of stormfront. These people want a second holocaust in Israel. They created a closed off community that has essentially become a transgender Marxist cult. They justity everything evil that might tangentially benefit the left because it's funny to them to push the envelope. Russian invasion of Ukraine, cute. The Hamas terrorist attack on October 7th, justified. They love Muslims until you bring up China putting them in internment camps then their 2010 Reddit Atheism surpasses their love for Islam which is hypocritical when they are all fucking gay. Hexbear has no morals, I don't know if they are actually trying to be evil. You literally cannot say death to America and have that mean anything peaceful. This site is trouble for the wider Lemmy community and does not speak for the entire left.
Lemmitors make some of the funniest taglines
Life under capitalism in 2025 is fucking hell. No idea what is even supposed to be the incentive for getting out of bed every morning
Every day is one day closer to the victory of the oppressed peoples of the world over this monstrous system.
Never going to go to an urgent care to get tested for Covid again. Got a bill of a bit more than $200 for doing a simple rapid test. We had been buying in home tests for $10, but I didn't want to waste too many and wanted to just check with a doctor if I'd be fine to go to work. I should have known better
americans just want to retvrn to the early 2000s so they can do their achmed the dead terrorist impressions again
I don't think that guy ever stopped
reposting the DPRK soldier and hoping it jolts the site back to life like a defib in the bad med dramas
Nazis went to Lincoln Heights, Ohio in the US and had their shit stolen and burned lmao
lol Elon is already doing sketchy twitter files type stuff. He’s using discoveries from pre existing internal fraud detection units (and successful prosecutions they’ve had) to claim he’s discovered fraud. No these are just the fraud protection methods already in place. This shit is so dumb.
i can overlook many things in a man, but errors in formal logic?? that's a bridge too far
Thinking back to an episode of work stoppage podcast wherein an interview with an Amazon driver was talking about how it's crazy to have someone deliver 300 packages a day as a pace and that being a top line reason they were fighting for a union.
Anyway they gave me 400 packages today lol
where were u when hexbear die
i was at toilet taking big shit when phone didnt load
" domain auction"
One thing I miss about competitive shooters as a kid was around 5:30ish when office drones would log on and you’d get a bunch of easy kills.
"Its actually SO easy to make this Michelin quality recipe at home, provided you have all these different niche cooking utenseils, a huge clean counter top and ample kitchen space, a stocked pantry of gourmet supplies, the budget to buy these specialty/organic ingredients fresh, and the better part of 2 whole days completely free to actually do all the prep work, cooking and cleaning with no interruptions"
Curling is already objectively the best sport, but it is also very endearing the biggest event is called the Scotties tournament of hearts 🥰
Thanks to the immortal science of juche for bringing the eagles this victory. Go birds
I hate Austin. Shit city. If Elon musk was a city he would be Austin. If the cybertruck was a city it would be Austin.
Tech Bros ruined Austin. It was a good city once.
It is cruel and inhumane
Brain cooked, can't stop scrolling, time to smoke weed and lay down
The ruling class after keeping you away from jobs, putting you in debt just to get what is basically a permission slip to work that doesn't even get you work 99% of the time, forcing you in a shitty boonie town where you're forced to drive a car and forced to insure it and pay gas on it AND have to pay rent.
Recently saw a woman a had a crush on like 10+ years ago. I'm really embarrassed that my type was someone who was upper middle class. (No I didn't know that was my type, but basically it's what I was looking for.)
One of my high school crushes ended up working for the ADL 💀. She was not Jewish.
Not a big fan of this whole "zionist entity"
I'm pretty happy Kendrick did the "something, anything" I've been hoping someone would do.
Don't know if the site will be here when I get home, love you all. If we get seperated, there is always and if that's down there's the backup
Trans rights are human rights, stay strong Hexbear!
I hope to win a McArthur Foundation Genius award for asking chatgpt how to phrase descriptions of AI art work I'm trying to create.
I finally beat the Outer Wilds dlc. Made me cry like a baby. Didn't realize it was the end, took a second to really sink in. Most emotional game I've played since Disco Elysium. Even the vaguest discussion of it would be massive spoilers, so just go play the game.
Now I'm looking for a new exploration game to tide me over until Subnautica 2. Might check out Pacific Drive, though it didn't seem as cozy.
For my extremely early birthday present I would like people to just fucking get along on here pwese
Me when I post something on an obscure Hillary Clinton fanpage and it doesnt get an upbear within 10 seconds (Im talking about Hexbear)
No matter the context, who is against same sex relationships should grow up and get a life.