I can excuse the fascism but I draw the line at cheating in a video game
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Romanian fascist Sargon of Applebee's orbiter is mad because video game? Lmao. Pathetic
Let’s keep fucking with their vidya games then if it makes them destroy the US imperialist organs
I could swear someone said this as a bit on here a couple weeks ago.
Path of Exile players are not OK lol
Still sane, exile?
I don't think Asmongold actually cared about the Path of Exile boosting, to be honst. He was reluctant to talk about it. Asmongold got boosted by his fans in WoW all the time. He got carried through all of vanilla classic and his fans mailed him thousands of in game gold. Asmongold quit raiding in TBC classic because the raids were too hard.
Asmongold spends half his streams doing right wing political commentary now and talking about how much he loves what Trump is doing. I think Asmongold still has a positive opinion of Elon.
Asmongold's latest harebrained theory is that Trump is somehow reviving 2014 gamergate to save video game and that USAID funded the opposition to gamergate. It's a 15 minute video on his channel, 3 days ago.
I know we joke about brain worms around here, but literally what the fuck happened to these people. They can't be well.
Lol that's funny, I played BC back when it was live and cleared most of the initial endgame. I don't remember it being THAT hard...
It depends which Phase you played in, I think. Burning Crusade was released in 5 phases, each phase lasting around 3-4 months.
Phase 1 was easy. The main content was Karazhan (10-player raid) and 2 x 25-player raid bosses, Gruul the Dragonkiller and Magtheridon.
Phase 2 was a nightmare. It has 2 x 25-player raids with a total of 14 bosses, Serpentshrine Cavern and Tempest Keep. Only like 20% of guilds were able to kill all of the bosses before the nerf. The final boss of Tempest Keep was a 15-minute choreographed fight where each of the 25 players had a unique role and you basically had to restart the fight if any player died.
Phase 3 was medium difficulty. It had 2 x 25-player raids, Black Temple and Mount Hyjal. Black Temple is the most iconic raid of Burning Crusade. You fight Illidan as the final boss.
Phase 4 was by far the easiest phase. The raid was Zul-Aman, 10-player raid. It was the same difficulty as Karazhan but you had all your powerful gear from Phase 3.
Phase 5 was impossible difficulty. The raid was Sunwell Plateau 25-player raid, which is sometimes considered to be the hardest WoW raid of all time.
Ahhh, yeah I was thru phase 2. Remember TK for sure
I thought he quit TBC classic because his mom died. I know it was only 2021 but I'm struggling to remember what I did that year
He quit TBC in September after trying to do Tempest Keep not being able to kill any boss with his raid. His mom died at the end of October. If these 2 things are related, I was not aware of it.
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Fuck me i wish i didn't have enough experience in the world to know you're likely not joking.
The last few years have seen a dramatic leap in New Types of Guy prototyping and manufacture. What an exciting time for Type of Guy science.
The Asmongolden Age.
Amazing how many chuddy douchebros base their political opinions, and their reality, off of video games
have more respect for that internal consistency than I do for most libs
It's about ethics in video game journalism.
Be sure to remind him Israel is woke and gay exhibit A, look at all that gay. Throw that they're doing some DEI initiatives or whatever and that American Government has been funding them directly on the basis of defense.
But is that money going to defense? OR TO WOKE???
he is a Jewish white South African-American dual citizen, which is honestly the punchline to this take.
Don't know where he stands on Israel but as far as I've gaged it's like the synagogue-ambient soft zionism I also used to have before I actually went there
You sure got a live one.
I'm picturing Adam Friedland dressed as Asmongold and now I can't get that image out of my head
Oh no, they LOVE to bring up gay Israel. Like "see? This is the LGBTQ-friendly country! It's the one we support! Now excuse me while I ban transgender people from being within 500 miles of a school."
Look, I can get past the Nazi salute, but I draw the line at being a fake gamer.
I don't get it, he was accused of being a fake gamer, and then he proved himself by doing the ultimate gaming move
Damn that is a new type of guy fr
Nurture this seed