I hide terrible real life social anxiety behind a terminally-online veneer of wit.
Ask Hexbear is the place to ask and answer ~~thought-provoking~~ questions.
Posts must ask a question.
If the question asked is serious, answer seriously.
Questions where you want to learn more about socialism are allowed, but questions in bad faith are not.
Try !feedback@hexbear.net if you're having questions about regarding moderation, site policy, the site itself, development, volunteering or the mod team.
Uuuuuh, I don’t remember making a second account and posting this…
Dozens of us!
nah thats probably most of us here
not me though im a successful businessman, and i have a very high amount of friends
Feeling pretty confident outing yourself in a leftist space as a businessman
aw shucks, just kidding....but for real though
wow its todd breaking bad, is he gonna play an outwardly unassuming and awkward but quietly sociopathic person?
I really liked him in Fargo as the oafish wife guy of a Butcher's assistant.
That one is good because he plays a outwardly unassuming and awkward but hes not a sociopath
I'm a composter! My plants are gonna be so happy this year
I've been toying with the idea of a socialist gardening magazine called the Comm Post.
Im a shitposter
I just want people to like me
An annoying one
Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down!
The worst kind
" type of guy
Insufferably cynical.
I only post while I poop
the on-company-time kind, I guess
I kinda post in bursts and I try to respond to everyone who responds to me. Then I get burnt out and post in bursts later. A never-ending cycle!
I do not like Militarized Henry Zebrowski
Wildly mediocre but I have my fans
With his weird sunglasses is his character supposed to be like a queer AntiFa super soldier or something?
On here I mostly just do super sarcastic comments with a sprinkling of theory here and there.
On reddit I'm mostly talking shit to all the dorks that get down voted to oblivion in my frequented subs.
Local oaf
this kind:
I think I'm probably a Cheese poster.