Do you like the outdoors? Are you physically fit enough to work 8-12 hours moving things around? If so, and you live near almost any major American city I can almost guarantee you USPS is hiring any warm body that tries to get work. The process takes a long time sometimes but they're desperate (where I am the rumor is that they've completely stopped drug testing to fill vacancies).
It's unionized, it's got okay wages if you're not in a HCOL area, the benefits are fine and you're prettymuch guaranteed plenty of work on the carrier side. Clerks are more hit and miss, rural carriers are their own bag of worms, but once you make regular you get a 401k type thing and there is still a pension, even if it's less good than it used to be. It also looks respectable to other organizations and (this is my perspective) feels like you're actually doing something helpful for real people in your community. Only job I've had that I've been proud at all to tell people I do.
That said, management is shit, will treat you carelessly, and you'll be expected to learn how to protect yourself from contract violations because the work culture is insane. There's a lot of maladjusted people and old people with extremely backwards ideas, and your experience depends pretty heavily on the office and people in it. With your background and training you might be able to make the jump into the computer/programming end too, I wouldn't know how to help you there though.
I'm not sure if this would be hope or Joker makeup. I think a lot of people who work for USPS alternate between the two.