If you're gonna fight fascism in the past, you might as well start doing it here in the present.
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First thing I'm doing is teaching doctors and surgeons to sterilize their fucking hands and tools, I'll figure out who to kill after that
I would give Rosa Luxemburg a mech suit with laser cannons
A single person isn't going to change anything because Great Man is a fuck. You would need to send back dozens, if not hundreds, of leftists to change anything drastically (such as preventing WWII or arming Native Americans with totally-not-wunderwaffen).
I think the important thing to do would be recover and record things that were lost (like the other epics written by Homer or samples of the birth control plant the Romans drove to extinction), followed by socialism as science. Science is repeatable and predictable. The usefulness of time travel is being able to verify what was previously unverifiable.
Depends on how far back you go, doesn't it?
If I'm back in like, 1850, I have a bunch of pop-sci understanding of technology I could at least get electrification off the ground if I had a team to help me work out the kinks in my batteries and generators. Maybe figure out metal machining so when John Brown starts his slave rebellion he can have semi-automatic rifles and machine guns.
If it's 1950, the hell could I even do? Make some well placed investments so I can be a big bourgeois class traitor? I guess?
Destroy Pizza Hut
I would go back in time to 2011, arm the primitive Occupy Wall Street protesters with modern weaponry, and radicalize them with copies of the Blowback "pod cast" burned to Sony MiniDisc™️
This would all be misdirection, as I would ultimately sacrifice myself to take a bullet to save Harambe, thus restoring all of the timelines and preventing this doomed world in which we currently live. Save the ape, save the future.
I'd bring back all scientific knowledge we know today to back then + a description of every historical moment so that every AES state would not collapse in Europe.
Shouldn't you just become Marx yourself but way earlier?
Like sure, you could give guns to some historically oppressed group but dialectically I think it makes sense that they'd probably just be the ones to usher in capitalism and colonialism instead of the Europeans
Shouldn't you just become Marx yourself but way earlier?
Can't really make analysis of material conditions that don't yet exist. If you mean talking exclusively about class struggle and dialectical materialism sure, but you won't quite be able to refute Adam Smith without him existing yet, and you can't describe capitalism when it's still not the dominant form of production
Kill Prescott Bush. and his father Samuel Bush.
He armed the Nazis and his entire family line became a shit stain on humanity.
Top 3 people that need to die to save the timeline
Kill FDR while Henry Wallace was VP
Dr. Yakub
Bullying Hitler into suicide would be pretty funny, but it’ll probably be more productive to bring back modern technology to certain communities to avoid fend off exploitation and compete
A post-leftist would say stomp on the first thing to crawl from the ocean.
I still think the timeline would be less cursed if someone went back in time to kill Christopher Columbus. And it's not a "material conditions make historical events inevitable" situation. He was widely seen as a crank and him dying means people will shrug their shoulders and go, "told you he was a fucking crank." Nobody would've sailed for the Americas had he failed to come back. There's also a decent chance Europe would economically collapse with capitalism being developed in India or China instead. If nothing else, killing Columbus and waiting for Europe to economically self-destruct mean two continents, three if we're counting Australia, could've dodged genocide. I don't think it's a given that a hypothetical capitalist India/China would do to the Indigenous what Europeans did. It's a dice roll worth rolling.
smoke weed
But what if it's the weed did not inhale?
I would do kind of a reverse Bill and Ted, where instead of collecting historical figures and bring them to the present, I would take my assembled crew farther into the past. I'm thinking I would pick up people like Marx, Lenin, Mao, you know, the fun crew, and bring them farther back to a time where we (I say we but honestly I would be about as much use as Bill or Ted with them) could avert the capitalist hellscape that exists today. As for when we would land I'm not quite sure, but I'm thinking if we could mobilize a people's collective sometime during the 1000-1400 range we could prevent most of the tragedies that combining the Industrial Revolution with capitalism caused, and be in a much better position to either solve or even avoid the ecological and climatological (if that's a real word) issues that face the modern world.
Ensure the Song Dynasty survives so they can industrialize and capitalism develops faster so than today maybe we have socialism
Kidnap Kalashnikov and Lenin on the way back and have them arm/lead the luddites.
Get medieval peasants into vaping
Depends on when you end up, how freely you can travel between time periods, what you're able to bring with you, etc.
I would probably get a brain trust of trusted leftists to advise me on the best course of action. Given what we know about how the conflict with capital went over the course of the 20th century, it would probably involve doing something around the time either before or during the Great War.
Or maybe you could just go back and bring what you know to Marx himself to get his feedback.
Given what we know about how the conflict with capital went over the course of the 20th century, it would probably involve doing something around the time either before or during the Great War.
what is to be done if we have a time machine?
I would make sure the brain trust in moscow didn't fucking stop in 1945. Just keep rolling. Any good will you have to spare for the other side and its interests will be repaid in treachery and your eventual defeat. Lock the mainland down, then topple that shitty little island. The domestic communist movements in the territory you annex will be a stable government in all but a few cases. Don't stop.
The relative positions of the US vs the USSR after WWII were dramatically different. Fascism, as capitalisms guard dog, had demolished the Western USSR. The US got incredibly rich selling guns. The riches of the colonies of the world were still in the pocket of the imperialists. Even if you convince them to fight, there's a real chance they lose. The gains of communism and socialism in the third world would be lost. The current resurgence of fascism would have happened decades ago, in more culturally friendly territory pre-1968.
What you need to do is knock some sense into the CPUSA and get them to push harder before McCarthy and agitate harder against the Taft act. Let the Soviet people chill, they've earned it. And maybe give FDR some heart meds, he was the only one with any level of mutual trust with Stalin.
I'm not the main character so what realistically could I do? My personal skills aren't going to be more useful by time traveling, I won't have any documentation, money, or support system. I have no idea how to live without the help of modern technologies, and my understanding of history isn't great all things considered so I wouldn't really know what all to expect.
immerse myself within an indigenous populus long enough to grasp the language and translate the time-relevant parts of this^[TM 31-210 Improvised Munitions Handbook] as well as these^[On Guerrilla Warfare – Mao Zedong] works^[On Protracted War – Mao Zedong] into their native tongue
material analysis should be above 'right or wrong'
do what would forward the power of communism and empower the working class
Just existing back in time would set off a cascading Butterfly Effect, effectively erasing and replacing every human being that ever existed afterward with different sperm fertilizing those eggs and so on in an ever expanding flux of changes, so the sky's the limit I suppose since the damage is already done just by showing up.
What I'd do with time travel since that damage was already done and it'd be up to me to make the best possible society for the new people that will now exist? Well, depending on how far back I could go and what I could bring with me, I have some strong opinions about what'd set things right and the alphabets may want to hear them a little too much.
Help a small village stop a Viking raid using your nanotechnology augments, then track down your old mafia boss who humiliated you for years and is also back in time in order to exploit the probability weirdness that comes with dimentional travel, re discover your boxing skills in order to finally beat the man you threw that fight to so many years ago that started your life down the spiral it had been going through the last few years and rediscover your self worth. Make some new friends with the local Himbo, traveling grifter, and the weird old lady in the woods. Potentially unleash lower dimentional God like beings into your own dimention with your technology after deciding to live the rest of your life interegrated into this new (old) world. Call that a good day 😊
I think there are the obvious options:
Kill Hitler (dubious outcome)
Save Rosa
Kill Gorby (too late in the game to achieve a good outcome imo)
Prevent the genocides of the Americas
Provide Castro's plot armour to Allende or Sankara, or another figure like Maurice Bishop
Changing the course of the Six Day War and keeping Egypt within the Soviet sphere of influence while putting Israel on the back foot, potentially having big implications for the Yom Kippur War and in the West Asia region
What I think is interesting is to consider the juncture of history around the Spanish Civil War.
I don't think that we could expect a massive landslide victory for the workers of the world necessarily if things happened differently, like we could assume from a successful revolution in Weimar Germany, but I think this might go overlooked so I want to take this angle out of interest.
I'm going to give the likely outcomes first and explain my reasoning from that point because I think it will make this more compelling.
So the likely outcomes from a successful AnCom-ish revolution in the Spanish Civil War would likely have a few interesting consequences that would likely have had reverberations across history:
Spain playing a sort of Yugoslavia-esque role in geopolitics
The likelihood of a Western European socialist bloc forming, particularly centred around Spain and France (potentially in places like Portugal too - which may have spread socialist revolution to Brazil as a consequence)
Either the Spanish army repelling the German invasion of France in whole or in part, creating a truly socialist French state/rump state (possibly as a sort of client state)
Probably the most interesting consequence imo would be the initiation of decolonisation and national liberation movements in Africa earlier than had happened, particularly centred around North Africa and Morocco especially. This may have spread to nearby countries and may have had further implications for countries like Egypt, Libya, and of course countries like Burkina Faso too.
How do we get from here to there?
If the Spanish Republic was convinced to take a different course and accept the Moroccan delegation that sued for liberation, we would have seen Franco's forces losing a steady supply of troops from the Spanish Moroccan colonies. Franco likely would have had to open up a second front in Morocco in the Spanish Civil War.
If the Republic played its cards right, it could have fostered a socialist Moroccan revolution. This would have caused a huge rift with the so-called French socialists (honestly better understood as Social Democrats imo). With a little luck we would have seen a split between the French socialists who were legitimately socialist and the SINOs who were revisionist and reformist, which would have led to strife in France. (The implications for what direction the May 68 uprisings would have been interesting to see.) I think that France is significantly weakened on the global stage, which is a massive benefit for Africa especially. With Morocco and the victorious Spanish Republic having fostered very close political ties forged through the Civil-cum-National Liberation Wars, Morocco begins inspiring a wave of socialist-tinged national liberation struggles (if not outright supporting or fomenting them directly). France's weakened position means that they are less capable of asserting their colonial dominance and the political course that Africa takes is markedly different.
WWII happens.
Either Spain manages to centralise and modernise its economy, which would have required the CNT/FAI to continue down a course of increasingly bureaucratised and centralised government, especially economically, or it doesn't go hard enough on this aspect. It's hard to say exactly what happens in this respect. Either way, Spain intervenes to prevent German conquest of France. They might be successful and thus establishing a socialist revolution in France which then changes the course of WWII by creating a weakened Western Front for tje Axis and thus taking a fair bit of pressure off the Eastern Front, having significant implications for what happens to Russia and eventually the liberation of Germany especially. Or they may have only had limited success, creating a French rump state that was far less compliant with Nazi Germany and instead of collaborating, the French rump state is a constant thorn in the side of the Nazi war effort.
I want to say that this in turn causes a unified Germany as a Soviet client state at the conclusion of WWII, but that could be wishful thinking on my behalf.
Do we see Mussolini deposed and Italy being occupied by a Franco-Spanish coalition? Does the USSR take it? Is there an internal revolution that is fomented and supported by the Soviets, the Spanish, and the French? What about Belgium, The Netherlands, and nearby countries? It's hard to say.
It's interesting to consider what the ramifications for the USSR would be if this played out as there would be more resources and political forces converging on national liberation struggles especially in South America during the cold war. I'd like to imagine that everyone sets their differences aside and we see a coalition of broad socialist revolutions that are backed by both the Soviet bloc and the Franco-Spanish bloc but I think that's pretty idealistic.
Instead I think the more likely outcome would be a strengthened non-aligned movement which naturally becomes much more focused on socialist revolution.
I would also be very interested in seeing what would happen to the USSR as they have much greater access to markets and at least some degree of support and collaboration during the cold war rather than being completely isolated. If the USSR managed to take all of Germany then the implications for their own economy are massive and the revisionist course under Khrushchev is far less likely to play out but it's hard to say exactly what would happen.
From there it becomes extremely hazy. What happens in Africa? In Europe? In the Americas? Who can guess?
I think that Mexico would be the sleeper build socialist state to watch under this alt-history model though. As the ties between the Spanish Republic and Mexico are quite close and become even closer, perhaps Mexico is one of the first South American countries to have a socialist revolution, and perhaps they are successful?
No doubt if this happened there would be a bloody proxy war that would emerge between the US, the Franco-Spanish bloc, and likely the Soviet bloc to a certain extent. Which way the chips would land is debatable. I'd guess that the Yanks would annex even more of Mexico but that might also come with a reshuffle of what they had previously annexed, with Mexico managing to reclaim certain parts of what is now the US.
If there is a socialist Mexico then the ability of the US projecting power over South America through the Monroe Doctrine is significantly weakened, if not effectively dead in the water, which would have major implications for Chile, Brazil, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Venezuela, possibly Argentina, Colombia/Panama and so on.
It's definitely the sort of thing where if history played out differently in the Spanish Civil War because I had the chance to convince the Spanish Republic government that they needed to back Moroccan independence, things would be massively different for the world we see today. Not necessarily a resounding victory for the USSR but potentially creating a world where there are three major blocs, with NATO being the weakest by far, which would make the world borderline unrecognisable to us today.
This is gonna be weird by I'd throw the dice and tell Lenin before he puts the revolution to a vote in the central comittee that Russia is going to be isolated AF once it revolts and Germany not only doesn't follow suit but it actually turns into the most reactionary regime ever. I assume the October revolution doesn't happen but the socialist challenge to capital is still there (and the bolsheviks would still be strong) so the 20th century might've gone a different way. This isn't the right thing to do as much is it's just a curiosity for me
Make sure the Greeks don't ignore the steam engine or just dump a shit ton of blueprints everywhere and start the industrial revolution 2000 years early
The real problem is the poor metallurgy IIRC. Gotta figure out how to make modern steel first (bessemer process), and the coal in Greece isn't viable for that.