After 2016 it was apparent that Trump represented the disgruntled domestic nationalist capital class who were in a war with the ruling internationalist capital class. Guess that's over now lol. Trump will side with the bigger money. He is literally an international capitalist after all with resorts in foreign countries. Of course he's not going to shut all the borders and create Neo-Hyperborea.
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No anti-nautilism posts. See: Eco-fascism Primer
Slop posts go in c/slop. Don't post low-hanging fruit here.
The issue is that without the support of the petite bourgeoisie, Trump’s only supporters will be billionaires.
I mean the dems only support is also billionaires so….
Eh, they've got the PMC, the professional class and the strivers who believe they can enter it. That's their only real base, while repulicans have the petty bourg and thise who believe they can enter it
I meant, like, actual voters.
He doesn’t need voters, he already won
He already won the election he can catapult them into the sun now it doesn't matter.
I don't see how that would be an actual problem for Trump though if he consolidates the support of the ultra elite.
anyone talking about how chuds will be mad doesn't get how this works - the vast majority will never hear about this because fox news won't mix it in with the rest of the slop, and the few conservatives who will hear about this and still know how to read will view this as a 4D chess move
H1Bs number 60k per year. It's a nothingburger to anyone who isn't a codemonkey or a terminally online racist
it's a nothingburger for codemonkeys too. The real problem is everyone and their grandma learned to code between 2010 and 2020 and the industry is no longer growing at a pace that can hire everybody.
I dunno the tech team I'm on is like 80% immigrants and it's not a small team
That's cool cause the tech team I'm on is like 80% americans and it's not a small team, so I guess we're even.
I mean that's not a nothing burger. Not trying to be a dick but you haven't run into the Tatas and cognizants?
Where are you going with this? Am I supposed to draw some kind of conclusion about immigration because Indian consulting companies abuse their workers and the visa system?
It's not the consulting firms nor the immigrants that are a problem although the firms are problems themselves. It is the exploitation of cheaper foreign labor to undermine US labor.
It's also been very obvious in tech and other fields that h1b visas are being abused.
I'm not really making any broader point except that I think it is an issue for tech workers.
Outsourcing is a huge issue as well
I mean, there's also the "Tommy 'Terrible Shot' Crooks" demographic to consider
Lmao. Capitalist pig sides with capitalists on immigration. More at 11.
"Visas for foreign job thieves, bootstraps for whitey!"
This whole ordeal will end with immigrants put in slave labour death camps as compromise. The petite-bourgoisie get to see their racist fantasy played out and the capitalists get even cheaper labour
*SSettler-KKolonial petite-bourgeoisie (Amerikkka should always be reminded of itself as another settler-colonial entity like ISSn'trael)
We will spread Maoist Standard English so that all will know how to use it!
I am not using maoist standard english, it's like using 1337 Speak in current year
All I ask you is that Amerika is referred to, as a settler kolonial entity
You kkknow what? Freikorps it. Everyrhing i say is now in Maoi$t SStandard Engi$h. I thinkkk this will finally get my dickkk wet again from that KKKute Amerikkkan long leggged SSociali$t from the KKKollege i attended.
(GGGraduated with a 333.0 GPA in BuSSiness KKKlaSSes)
I'm going to takkke Maoi$t SSStandard Engli$ch even furttther. Ï wïll SShow everyöne how a real Amerikkkan SSociali$t gets ït dönë. A SSöup KKKït$chën jůst öpënëd ůp nëar my rësïdënKKKë, (rëntâl pröpérty my di$gů$ting libéral """"parëntSS""" ((KKKAPITALISST KKKLASS MƐANT TO KKKONTRÖL THE PRÖLETARIAN OFFSSprīng! UNJŮSST HEIRARCHŶ!)) Paīd för) bůt i$ SStaffëd ßy DSSA KKKarën lïßëralSS whö dönt let me SSprëad thëŏry to thë infërm proʻles! $ö, i havë takën it ŏpon mySSelf to tëaKKKch thësë KKKarénSS a leSSon. With firëbömßs.
that's just agricultural work anywhere south of Maine
I sense a disturbance in the farce
Demonrats arent the only ones who get led around by the nose by capital?!?!?!?!?!?! You were supposed to drain the swamp, not become it!!!!!!!
Chuds big mad just because Trump and Elon are doing "we'll save the good ones" immigration policy.
It won't matter, Trump literally did this switcheroo back in 2016 when he bragged about hiring H-1B visa workers in an interview and then did a 180 the next interview when he got push back from chuds
He is being whispered by the apartheid guy so fucking hard
So basically they made Trump win because he's so fucking easy to whisper
Just goes to show porky will never make jobs again.
GOP Trifecta AND mandate from the people and porky is STILL getting cold feet when it comes to putting Americans who are hungry for work to work.
This would be so funny, if it weren’t for the fact that immigrants are just going to get shot at even more
Who is the person on the left of the image at the bottom of the post?
How dare you not know who Steve Urkel is.
Lol o literally thought I was being crazy thinking it was Steve urkel
Vivek Ramaswamy said in a post on X the Everything App that Americans are bad at engineering because they disrespected Steve Urkel.
Hell yeah dude
Punished Donald bows deeper to President Musk, begs supporters to obey him too.