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This is true
Legal? Probably? But I doubt a billboard company would be willing to put up something they see as controversial
sign... woke strikes again
"we're not going to print this because it's petty and potentially libellous and childish"
"Ugh you're so woke"
No Im based and this hypothetical billboard company is cringe and PC.
I'm so mad at this company rn
You have said the actual truth
”I get jokes.”
have you ever been to the Saar Chasm? it's one of the most amazing parts of the Grand Canyon
I googled it
Put it in the lobby of work instead. It would be much funnier and probably reach more people.
But be careful where and how you print it, I hear they can trace those things these days.
Use magazine cutouts and glue from the company lol
I mean if you're using your employers equipment they will know who printed it depending on what solution they use.
PaperCut is very popular and logs everything you print, even a copy of the printed file if configured to do so. Minimum: file name, time printed, which printer it was printed at, who printed it, and from what computer it was sent from.
You would definitely want to print it somewhere else.
as far as I know it only applies to color printers
I've always wondered if I could just order a printer from China to get around this
if you want to try diagnosing printer errors in chinese be my guest
the fbi can trace it... your shitdick IT firm or craft supply store or warehouse or whereever you work can't
Then I guess the next question would be would there be a reason for authorities to get involved? Is this a case of harassment? Anyway, it seems the best recourse is to print it in black and white anyway to avoid any tracking dots.
Oh yeah for sure be weary of any corporate controlled hardware. Usually the print server is a separate appliance that is probably logging all print jobs to some extent.
This is true
go for it.
Canonical response
Thank you Mr Elon sir.
Just anonymously email it to your boss or to a large mailing group
Sysadmin version is to print them from an untraceable account on every printer in the company
Spitballing here...
Unless this person is a public figure there's, at the very least, an argument that the billboard company might refuse. Also... you're gonna have to do a ton of legwork to try to keep this from tracking back directly to you.
If the billboard company allows it, that person you're putting on blast can try to take you to civil court for any damages real or imagined. At a minimum, you'd be expected to pull down the billboard plus any court fees you and probably the plaintiff incurred.
Find a public place to print off some flyers and pay with cash, wear a hat and a "loud" scarf/shirt. Drop them in places where somebody may find them around the office, hopefully with enough people handling them to get everybody's fingerprints on 'em.