this post was submitted on 18 Jun 2024
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[–] 48 points 3 months ago (5 children)

"There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses." -Ezekiel 23:20

[–] 18 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I thought that line was in Song of Solomon hold up

[–] 9 points 3 months ago (1 children)
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[–] 12 points 3 months ago
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[–] 46 points 3 months ago (3 children)

So noted.

"Then two hexbears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the libs."

2 Nerds 4:20

[–] 23 points 3 months ago
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[–] 45 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you. Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days. Look! The wages you failed to pay the workers who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter. You have condemned and murdered the innocent one, who was not opposing you.

[–] 16 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I guess that Grapes of Wrath passage is based on this.

[–] 11 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Maybe, but that's what the whole book is about. Very much recommend it.

edit: I recently saw a tweet or something that was like, "The state tells us we have to read The Grapes of Wraith at 13 and then gets mad when we understand it at 26."

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[–] 40 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Eh. I kind of have more disdain for "christians" who aren't doing shit like that tbh. You really believe that billions of people are going to face brutal torture for all eternity and you haven't devoted your entire life to converting people? pathetic

[–] 7 points 3 months ago (1 children)

the more effective way of converting people would also be to actually practice what they preach re: charity, earthly posessions, treatment of the poor, outcasts, sinners, etc.

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[–] 27 points 3 months ago

How about the drive-by proselytisers that are calling you to repent and turn to Jesus in the comments of a video about a cute animal or Oblivion NPC dialogue

The religion with the most annoying followers

[–] 24 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Let there be no compulsion in religion, for the truth stands out clearly from falsehood. So whoever renounces false gods and believes in Allah has certainly grasped the firmest, unfailing hand-hold. And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

~ Quran, 2:256

[–] 8 points 3 months ago (4 children)

It surprises me that while Tim Tebow had John 3:16 written on his eye black strips, no linebacker in the league posted something like this on his strips. Would have thrown him off his game better than any defensive scheming, at least while he was in college. He was terrible in the NFL

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[–] 24 points 3 months ago (2 children)

They're up there with "astrology people who insist on know everyone's sign and don't desist when you tell them you don't believe in astrology."

[–] 9 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Astrology people used to bug the shit out of me, but now I find it a pleasant way to learn about someone. It's kind of like a gateway to just talk about your personalities for a bit.

I don't believe any of it, but I'll share my sign and (usually) she will make some calls about my likes and dislikes and I'll say what's true or not. Ask her sign and questions about her. See if we'll get along or not.

Idk it's a nice way to just chat, I guess. Prefer it to other small talk. Could make a friend from it, too.

[–] 14 points 3 months ago

That's such an Ares thing to do smh my head

[–] 8 points 3 months ago

Eh, I'll give my sign, but then people keep asking more intrusive questions like the exact hour I was born so they can tell me my rising and setting sign or whatever. It just kind of seems obnoxious to do when you know the person you're talking to doesn't believe in this.

To me it's the same as someone who keeps brining religion into a conversation when the know the person they're talking to is a non-believer. You know I don't believe in this, you could respect that fact and leave the topic be.

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[–] 7 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Nah, the hate for astrology is partially made up of internalized misogyny. We have to overcome it. It is just as fake as the economy. We just are taught to resent it because it is girl coded. Girls can have a little bronze age mysticism as a treat.

[–] 21 points 3 months ago (16 children)

Nah it's still woo woo crap that's often a gateway to other more unhinged pseudo-mysticism shit like the crystal healing. Plus modern astrology has got more to do with early 19th century occultism than it does any ancient tradition from Babylon. It was originally crap for bored rich white dudes who wanted to pretend to be special wizards.

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[–] 24 points 3 months ago

And the king said unto her, What aileth thee? And she answered, This woman said unto me, Give thy son, that we may eat him to day, and we will eat my son to morrow. So we boiled my son, and did eat him: and I said unto her on the next day, Give thy son, that we may eat him: and she hath hid her son...." (II Kings 6:28-29)

I think this proves my point

[–] 22 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I grew up in a borderline cult, so i like to drop funny bible verses just to take the lord's name in vain

I doubt the people you are talking about are doing the same, but i suggest learning a couple funny verses to throw back at them

The one with a bald man and rude kids is a good place to start

[–] 7 points 3 months ago

You got a top 5 or something?

[–] 22 points 3 months ago (4 children)

Ezekiel 4:15 NIV: He replied to me, “Look, I will let you use cow dung instead of human excrement, and you can make your bread over that.”

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[–] 21 points 3 months ago

i am once again begging chr*stians to keep their bullshit to themselves

Death to America

[–] 21 points 3 months ago (1 children)

In times like these it's important to remember Matthew 21:17

[–] 21 points 3 months ago (1 children)

'And leaving them, he went out of the city to Bethany and lodged there' ?

[–] 17 points 3 months ago

so-true this is exactly what I needed to hear this morning

[–] 21 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

Nobody appreciates me randomly dropping quotes from the Song of Solomon anymore... smdh.

[–] 20 points 3 months ago (1 children)
[–] 8 points 3 months ago

that's zeke 23. song of solomon is about how his bride's hair resembles a flock of goats flowing down mount gilead and her breasts are like young twin gazelles bouncing through the fields.

[–] 20 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (3 children)

Recently I've stumbled upon a YT channel called "Good fight ministries" or something of that sort and it was all about how transgenders and celebrities are satan so pretty average stuff, using bible verses way out of context to twist them to be a condemnation of Hollywood directors (using clips of them talking about being inspired as proof of possession) and singers I've never heard of (Jesus famously said grammies are evil i guess), but this then led me down a rabbit hole of crazy "Christian spiritual warfare" videos where schizos and grifters bang on about defending yourself against demons that posses you at night, with one lady claiming some sort of ghoul was "strumming" her spine at night. Unironically all these people need Jesus.

[–] 23 points 3 months ago

with one lady claiming some sort of ghoul was "strumming" her spine at night.

That's more common than most people realize, need to see a bone wizard.

[–] 14 points 3 months ago

That’s not a demon Lydia, it’s years of bad posture

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[–] 17 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Smoke 4:20 heh heh heh berdly-smug

[–] 16 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Back when people were debating against gay marriage, and using bible quotes as justifications, I used to have Leviticus 11:10 memorized to quote back at them. (It's the shellfish one)

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[–] 15 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Behold, as wild asses in the desert, go they forth to their work

[–] 13 points 3 months ago

Matthew 6:5-6

5 "And whenever you pray, do not be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, so that they may be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward. 6 But whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

[–] 13 points 3 months ago (1 children)

You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.

Matthew 7:5

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[–] 10 points 3 months ago
[–] 9 points 3 months ago

I honestly hate that shit. And it's always really unnecessary and cringe. Instead of that idealism, people should be dropping quotations waking those around them to the inevitability of revolution. That's what's really important anyway.

I don't have to tell you, comrades, about the times and material conditions. Because you yourselves all know that the new day of the revolution will come like an FBI raid in the night. And libs think there is peace and security under the ruling ideology but then they're caught unaware when sudden revolution comes upon them, and then kinda like birth pains come upon birthing people there's no escaping! But you, comrades, are not idealists for that to surprise you like a raid, because all of you are comrades of the new day and peace, we're not of the ruling ideology or oppression. So then don't let us fall asleep to material conditions like some other do, let us stay woke and stay grounded. Because those who are reactionaries are reactionaries serving the ruling ideology, and those who are revisionists are revisionists serving the ruling ideology. But since we belong to the new day, let's stay grounded, and embrace the power of solidarity and struggle, and for a flag the Red Banner of liberation. Because the science of history has made it clear that the future holds not our oppression but our liberation through Marxist-Leninism so that whether we're woke or chuds we can be free. That's why we should encourage and build up each other, as we're all doing. But we're asked, comrades, to hold solidarity with those who are working class among us, as well as those who actually practice Marxist-Leninst theory and struggle session us or tell us to touch grass. We should hold them very highly in solidarity because of their work. But be chill among ourselves on Hexbear. And we're urged, comrades, to criticize the lurkers, encourage the anxious seldom-posters, help the shitposters, be patient with all of them. See that none of you repays a bad post with a downbear, but always seek to reply to one another and to all. Laugh at bits always, post without ceasing, give upbears in all circumstances, because this is what the Admins at Hexbear wish for us. Don't logout. Don't hate reading theory, but test everything in praxis, stick to what's Communist, and abstain from every form of lib.

[–] 8 points 3 months ago

this seems like bait - mythicius 10:12

[–] 7 points 3 months ago

It can be very effective rhetoric with a certain sort of audience. Communication must adapt to different audiences.

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