submitted 1 week ago by Alaskaball@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

Also who's your pick for winner of the arbitrary 4-way american civil war? Personally I'm hoping for the West, but I'm worried Northeast might sneak victory in when nobody's looking

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[-] Awoo@hexbear.net 36 points 1 week ago

West has the economy and the defensive geography. It is impossible for them to lose.

[-] ThomasMuentzner@hexbear.net 11 points 1 week ago

the west will balkanize further thos.. it is to diverse .. the desert plateus , the Fjords and giant trees around seattle , california stealing all their water.. Theocracies versus technocracy.. also oregon , maybe somethig about oregon is also special.

[-] Awoo@hexbear.net 7 points 1 week ago

I mean yeah the faction is fictional and unlikely but the question is based on if the factions were the above image. West has the strongest geography going for them.

But not as far as shipping. The great lakes facilitated a lot of expansion.

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[-] ghost_of_faso2@lemmygrad.ml 5 points 1 week ago

not to mention political legitmancy as the central power, control of the militarys assets and the big red button.

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[-] came_apart_at_Kmart@hexbear.net 36 points 1 week ago

whoever could maintain a blockade of the others ports probably.

if I were running one of the breakaway nations, I would try to form a coalition with another one over mutual disdain for texas. decapitate it's leadership, demobilize it's law enforcement, and create a colony on it with displaced people from other areas. heavily arm them and direct them to land / resource / infrastructure grab everything.

with any luck, everybody will be so focused on that shit show, they won't notice that I have used all the gold to build a giant Colossus of myself that shoots flames and lightning bolts.


[-] Chronicon@hexbear.net 14 points 1 week ago

whoever could maintain a blockade of the others ports probably.

the fate of the midwest rests on whether canada can help us keep the st lawrence seaway open

The mississippi is a lost cause pretty much

[-] RyanGosling@hexbear.net 7 points 1 week ago

decapitate it's leadership


[-] blobjim@hexbear.net 33 points 1 week ago

thry turned the US into the microsoft logo and it immediately broke

[-] FlakesBongler@hexbear.net 33 points 1 week ago


Under that veil of Minnesota nice beats the heart of some of the most vicious and demonic creatures known to God

[-] Goadstool@hexbear.net 33 points 1 week ago

What is it with literally everyone from every single region in every part of the planet bragging about how many drunks there are as one of the first two things they mention about where they're from

y'all can't ALL be the drunkest mother fuckers on the planet

[-] Tiocfaidhcaisarla@hexbear.net 27 points 1 week ago

I worked at a hotel bar across from a convention center, every group loved talking about how much they could drink, that you'd never seen anyone drink like they could. All these different types of salespeople, annoying for sure. Yeah, I'm sure agricultural equipment sales folks are the best drinkers bud. They were so proud of it, but any dive will have drunker and more entertaining people. Easy to get a rise out of them by saying how much more another group the week earlier had drank.

Anyway, alcoholism is a problem and probably not the victory they're looking for, otherwise this is Utah's game to lose.

[-] radiofreeval@hexbear.net 21 points 1 week ago

Critical support to the Mormon Mujahedeen in their struggle against their livers

[-] peeonyou@hexbear.net 27 points 1 week ago

don't care so long as it ends in communism

[-] liberaldeathsquads@hexbear.net 6 points 1 week ago

Independent south


[-] radiofreeval@hexbear.net 25 points 1 week ago

Colorado and Utah will end up becoming America's Afghanistan and Utah will become the Mormon Mujahedeen.

[-] DirtyPair@hexbear.net 25 points 1 week ago

I just hope everyone has fun

[-] Beetle_O_Rourke@hexbear.net 22 points 1 week ago

NE and West would be the only real contenders as a matter of economic power.

My bet is NE because they would be able to bribe or coerce the midwest into sharing Great lakes water, at which point the clock on the West running out of potable water would be the driving factor behind their surrender.

[-] liberaldeathsquads@hexbear.net 6 points 1 week ago


West is obviously strongest but northeast is literally the smallest in land and population. None of these regions would lack in water, just bad policies, bad infrastructure, them not sharing water wouldn’t even be a factor. There are places on earth where wars have been fought over water, America probably won’t be one of them unless we are talking tens of thousands of years into the future and by then water probably won’t be the biggest concern climate change wise.

[-] Dolores@hexbear.net 8 points 1 week ago

America probably won’t be one of them unless we are talking tens of thousands of years into the future and by then water probably won’t be the biggest concern climate change wise

read cadillac desert lol (but i don't think western water would be a deciding factor in <decade long war)

[-] RyanGosling@hexbear.net 20 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Southerners may have a lot of guns, but they have no where to train for war except indoor gun ranges. Whereas western blue states have a ton of public land, but most of the people there absolutely despise guns despite wanting the police and military to arrest every republican

I mean, historically most civil wars didn’t involve civilians training ahead of time. But most countries that had civil wars in the modern day weren’t as rich and privileged as Americans. A modern day american civil war will look less like Yugolavia and more like the Roof Koreans in the LA Riots - that is, a bunch of assholes shooting each other because they lack the communication and proper training (despite their ebic skills in the korean war). The exception being the mall cops that actually have time and money to “train” in the woods all day with their militias.

[-] driving_crooner@lemmy.eco.br 26 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Seeing that map reminds me of a post I read some time ago about a "libertararian" who moved from California to Texas to scape the "oppressive" state government to a land of free, just to find out there were no public parks where to camp, and that that was his favorite hobbie and now they "understood" why some government is needed and was thinking on going back to California.

[-] BynarsAreOk@hexbear.net 9 points 1 week ago

Southerners may have a lot of guns, but they have no where to train for war except indoor gun ranges.

As if the problem is gun handling and not the fact the average chud couldn't run for 2 miles without having a heart attack. Seriously I would not expect the average American to go through a civil war scenario without clogging up hospitals with all sorts of heart problems and general consequences of an extremely sedentary lifestyle.

Maybe you saw the recent pictures of those old Ukrainian soldiers? People dunk on them looking like tired/out of shape but imo they are probably in better physical condition than like half of these chuds.

[-] quarrk@hexbear.net 19 points 1 week ago

The South would try invading the Midwest, but end up dying from all the industrial carcinogens that Midwesterners have adapted to. Like the wildlife around Chernobyl.

[-] Llituro@hexbear.net 18 points 1 week ago

Well with the west and the south splitting most of the nuke supply and the Midwest being capable of thriving in nuclear winter, it's really anyone's game. The northeast is no longer the manufactory hub it once was. Ultimately though, I think the west is set up to take home the victory with critical support and materials from China. Can't really get that anywhere else too readily.

[-] radio_free_asgarthr@hexbear.net 11 points 1 week ago

The Midwest would have quite a few nukes. North Dakota and Kansas holds a large fraction of them.


[-] MemesAreTheory@hexbear.net 10 points 1 week ago

Plus the West would have most of it's critical infrastructure far away from the border. Much easier to protect your heavy industry when it's 1500 miles away from the fighting. The South and Midwest have relatively vulnerable infrastructure not far from their borders, easy distance to target without having to refuel and less time to intercept any missiles.

[-] Acute_Engles@hexbear.net 18 points 1 week ago

Gonna sneak in and burn down the white house again while you are all fighting

Americans please explain to me why the midwest is called the midwest. It’s kinda in the middle, but it’s really not the west?? Why not call it the midnorth? Or northern mid?

[-] TC_209@hexbear.net 24 points 1 week ago

From the perspective of an 18th century European colonist, that territory is the "middle" of a great expanse of land to the west.

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[-] ThomasMuentzner@hexbear.net 18 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

midwest is expected to be expansionist as it needs to secure its in / export routes by taking New Orleans and securing the St Lorance river? (warm water ports)

[-] radiofreeval@hexbear.net 16 points 1 week ago

The West. An alliance with China could be possible and supply lines to East Asia are critical. In addition there Pacific Fleet could blockade the Panama Canal and prevent any Chinese goods from getting to the other states in a reasonable amount of time. We also have a series of large mountain ranges that could slow down invasion heavily and plenty of oil, industry food and water. Plus the inevitable Capital in LA being really far away helps. The South is surrendering quickly and the Midwest becomes a grueling counterinsurgency campaign that claims tens of millions of lives but eventually ends in attrition from the Midwest due to the lack of trade and brutal Northern urban warfare.

[-] ThomasMuentzner@hexbear.net 12 points 1 week ago

china has no interest in "reassembeling" a Balkanized USA .

[-] ssj2marx@lemmy.ml 18 points 1 week ago

What about installing fifty marxist puppet governments?

I know China doesn't export the revolution but it would be cooler if they did.

[-] ThomasMuentzner@hexbear.net 12 points 1 week ago

50 is good , 1 would be a problem..

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[-] ssj2marx@lemmy.ml 15 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

This breakup's a little more interesting than most.

The Northeast will come out of this with a powerful Navy - but without DC and an Army to back them up I can't see them accomplishing much. But since their power is in financial institutions, is it really worth conquering them? Just let them slowly collapse like the UK.

The South has the bulk of the Army, a decent Navy, and all of the Natsec ghouls. I can see a Texas oil-powered military quickly establishing dominance - this 'aint the 1800s anymore, all of America has been de-industrialized, so the weakness that the South had in the Civil War doesn't really apply. But they would probably rather turn south and hit Mexico than tangle with the West unless their hubris is up - more on that in a moment.

The Midwest would probably become more like Canada in this scenario than Russia. They have enough manufacturing to not go down easy but I just don't see them sustaining a long war like Russia can - but the question is would conquering them be worth it when holding them would be so hard. I think the other successor states would rather just buy beer from them and leave them be.

The West ends up with most of the money, a powerful Navy, and a decent Army, so I think they're OP in this scenario. If they get put on their back foot by war they can fall back to the Rockies and defend until the end of time, which isn't an option that the South has because the Appalachians don't protect their most important states. Plus they get Alaskan oil and presumably control of America's Pacific sphere of influence? No contest tbh the West wins the only question is whether or not San Francisco has the stomach for war.

edit: oh yeah and it looks like everyone's got nukes except the Northeast lmao but I wouldn't want to bet my life on deterrence continuing to function.

[-] GrouchyGrouse@hexbear.net 14 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

The west could hold the mountain passes and remain independent if they don't win the whole thing.

Texas is fucked after one of its biannual electrical crashes so they'll be in play for like six months tops and then be a burden for whoever allies with them. Eventually Mexico takes it back.

The south continues their Civil War losing streak. The villages in Florida look like a charnel house after 2 weeks.

The north east loses Maine to Canada and maybe loses the war but nobody wants to occupy it after.

[-] gallopingsnail@lemmy.sdf.org 8 points 1 week ago

inb4 the northeast becomes a collection of city-states? 🤔

[-] GrouchyGrouse@hexbear.net 9 points 1 week ago

Philly will be too busy bullying it's neighbors to become a regional power

Jersey City changes its name to Giorzzi and completes its Italofication.

Ireland invades and razes Boston to put an end to its shenanigans once and for all.

[-] darkmode@hexbear.net 5 points 1 week ago

Ireland invades and razes Boston to put an end to its shenanigans once and for all.


[-] Default_Defect@midwest.social 14 points 1 week ago



[-] Tunnelvision@hexbear.net 9 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Soybeanis and cornbeanis

[-] RION@hexbear.net 10 points 1 week ago

our enemies will crumble under the might of Papa Khan Pritzker and the midwestern horde

[-] WeedReference420@hexbear.net 10 points 1 week ago
[-] Findom_DeLuise@hexbear.net 23 points 1 week ago


[-] RyanGosling@hexbear.net 6 points 1 week ago

It’ll be less geopolitical and more like After the End where a bunch of american enclaves fight with cultists

[-] Tiocfaidhcaisarla@hexbear.net 7 points 1 week ago

Could see likely a coalition of the NE, which should probably include Maryland, Delaware, and DC, plus Midwest and West Coast minus the plains and mountain states. They'd then mop the floor.

I hope rather for a draw and balkanisation.

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this post was submitted on 18 Jun 2024
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