A car marketed to who spends time thinking about how badass he'd be in various kinetic engagements.
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Elon really is the king of dumb guys that peaked in high school.
This is probably the best succinct explanation I've read of Elon.
The only problem with this analysis is that, from what I remember, everyone in his highschool hated him.
So, more like "what a perennial loser thinks someone who peaked in Highschool would be like" which is even sadder.
The Cybertruck will protect you from most muzzleloader fire, but watch out for the enemy 12-pounders
The cybertruck will stop enemy crossbow bolts but beware the arquebusiers
You really think it could stop a crossbow bolt? Like from a war crossbow armed with an armor piercing spike?
No way lmao
Rotating the image of Elon getting domed by a war crossbow through the window of a Cybertruck in my mind palace rn tho, absolutely sensational
Okay, now I have to write some kinda music thing titled "Beware the Arquebusiers"
I need a genre, an instrument that you want to carry the melody, and some kinda lyrical angle or hook or something
I'm thinking dbeat? Black metal? Crust? Guitar driven probably?
The car is bullet proof except for where someone would aim their bullets normally
And only if they're nice enough to use subsonic ammo lmao
Also, not bulletproof to any modern firearm
Lol, the reason he specifies a tommy gun is because it's .45 caliber, and standard 45 ammo is subsonic by default. It will literally only stop that, a standard 9mm will go right through. And knowing the cybertruck, I wouldn't be surprised if they just shot it with a 45 handgun and decided "yup, it stops .45" and never actually tested it out of a longer barrel.
This is not fiction.
The surest mark of the bullshitter
Turning a cybertruck into swiss cheese mag dumping 50 rounds of 5.7x28mm out of a P90 for trve kvlt cybërpvnk cred
me when the quality automobile i purchased from Tesla Motors is in fact impervious to bullets fired from a submachine gun. (This will keep me safe in my planned future vacation to visit Chicago in 1929 in my fucking time machine that can take my fucking car with me)
This will keep me safe in my planned future vacation to visit Chicago in 1929 in my fucking time machine that can take my fucking car with me
You joke, but the cybertruck has the same "I fucking love science" techbro vibes as the delorian, the only car to have ever been used for time travel.
I imagine the fumes from a lithium fire could cause one to hallucinate that they're traveling through time in the inevitable event the truck spontaneously combusts.
The comparison works well because the Delorean was also a pile of shit created by a drugged up ultra rich dickhead
Extremely cursed Back to the Future reboot/remake featuring a time-traveling Cybertruck
A divorced dad travels back in time in his cybertruck to the moment his wife left him and took the kids and sets it all right with the help of the professor.
the only car to have ever been used for time travel.
SMDH everyone forgets the humble '64 Chevy Malibu
I gotta watch this movie again it's been ages.
"John Wayne came to the door in a dress."
Me and a Buddy have watched it and Walker (1987) like 3 times in the last year. Gonna watch them again soon now that we found rips with Alex Cox's commentary
E) The movie is Repoman (1984) for anyone who doesn't already know
It would be the perfect vehicle for bootlegging if only it had range, reliability, hauling capacity, and didn't stick out like a sore thumb!
Modern remake of Smokey and the Bandit with cybertrucks and the beer run is over in 20 minutes after the bandit has to recharge, and the other 70 minutes of the movie are them being needlessly brutalized by the police
You can probably also identify them reliably even without the license plate just by looking at the discoloration and corrosion patterns on the panels.
So it would be perfect, apart from the fact that it’s not perfect.
"I'm gonna give you to the count of ten to get your ugly, chrome, no good truck off my property... before I pump your guts full of led...."
I imagine hiding in the brush fire with a thompson waiting for a cyberstuck to pull up.
Also, I'm pretty sure it's not even resistant to subsonic projectiles
Couple of CyberTruck bros shot up their trucks to prove it and ended up ruining them
I can't figure out why people are being so dense about it. The sheets used for the door on the production vehicles are 14ga (1.8mm thick) 301 stainless steel. Some of the original prototypes used 3mm thick, which would approach some level of effectiveness against handgun ammo. But because that just makes the whole truck heavy as fuck for no reason, they did the obvious thing, which was to just use thinner, non-bullet-proof steel.
I assumed it definitely isn't. Not because I've seen those videos, but it's just safe to assume is full of shit.
Oh hell yes! Some chud is absolutely going to film himself "proving" this, and I am here for it
80% of those videos look like the guy has never fired a gun in his life and is a little scared of it
Which normally would be whatever, who cares, but these are people who jack themselves off over the 2nd ammendment
Bulletproof, sure, but don't get it wet.
The kinds of people who are into this shit are the same kinds of people who live in the quietest suburb you can think of, keep a loaded gun on their bedside table, and tell everyone that will listen about how safe they are because they do it and how stupid you are for not doing it.
A thick jacket will stop birdshot if you're far enough away
And it's not that far away
You can take the man out of South Africa, but you can't take South Africa out of the man.
Future Headline: Cybertruck Owner Apologizes for Incident at Symphony
More like nyah~ amirite? 😽
Tesla can't be shot with a Chicago typewriter... It's Lucky Lucianover...